Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) Location on a map of Blyth Bridge

The Old Mill Inn Bus Stop is located on A701 in Blyth Bridge , Scottish Borders, Scotland. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) by click this link. Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) Map

Location informations for Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)

Name: Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)
Street: A701
Near Place: Old Mill Inn
Locality: Blyth Bridge
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Scottish Borders
Region: Scotland
Indicator: Opp
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 72724765 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 6900166
Bus Stop Latitude : 55.693353
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.382371
DMS coordinates : 55°41'36.0695004" N 3°22'56.53445772" W
Current time and date at Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) is 07:52:30 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp).

What is the nearest train station to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)
The nearest railway stations to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)
Carstairs Station17.93 Km
Livingston South Station21.19 Km
West Calder Station21.25 Km
Addiewell Station21.79 Km
Kirknewton Station21.95 Km
Breich Station23.27 Km
Curriehill Station23.38 Km
Lanark Station24.60 Km
Livingston North Station25.25 Km
Wester Hailes Station25.32 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)?

List of Stops near to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)
Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)0 m
Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (At)15 m
Castlecraig Lodge Bus Stop (At)1.08 Km
Castlecraig Lodge Bus Stop (Opp)1.09 Km
Kirkdean Farm Bus Stop (Opp)1.37 Km
Kirkdean Farm Bus Stop (At)1.38 Km
Cottages Bus Stop (o/s)2.34 Km
Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)2.38 Km
Roselea Bus Stop (Opp)3.03 Km
Town Hall Bus Stop (Near)3.04 Km

Cities or Towns near Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)

Blyth Bridge0.28 Km
Castlecraig0.85 Km
Netherurd0.99 Km
Kirkurd1.20 Km
Mountain Cross2.41 Km
Bordlands2.59 Km
Dolphinton3.83 Km
Romannobridge3.97 Km
Kaimrig End5.29 Km
Bogs Bank5.68 Km
Halmyre Mains6.00 Km
Edmonston6.33 Km
Dunsyre6.53 Km
West Linton6.70 Km
Candy Mill7.08 Km
Walston7.27 Km
Harehope7.32 Km
Elsrickle7.57 Km
Hallyne7.61 Km
Skirling8.16 Km
Broughton8.94 Km
Stobo9.24 Km
Haswellsykes9.30 Km
Lamancha9.44 Km
Upper Kidston9.68 Km
Calzeat9.83 Km
Lyne Station10.10 Km
Barns10.10 Km
Cringletie10.30 Km
Bellspool10.33 Km
Hattonknowe10.34 Km
Nether Kidston10.42 Km
Redscarhead10.84 Km
Carlops10.87 Km
Rachan Mill10.92 Km
Eddleston11.09 Km
Shiplaw11.09 Km
Drumelzier11.12 Km
Milkieston11.26 Km
The Glack11.36 Km
Hallyards11.36 Km
Mailingsland11.41 Km
Darnhall Mains11.71 Km
Biggar11.76 Km
Newbigging11.78 Km
Glenternie12.07 Km
Bellanrigg12.31 Km
Waterheads12.40 Km
Cademuir12.77 Km
Frankscroft12.87 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)

List of Historic places near to Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)

NameDistances from Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)
Stobo Parish Church9.13 Km
Dawyck Botanic Garden10.53 Km
Neidpath Castle11.51 Km
Gladstone Court Museum11.59 Km
Greenhill Covenanters House11.78 Km
Biggar Gasworks Museum11.98 Km
Cross Kirk, Peebles12.63 Km
Coulter Motte14.54 Km