Mountain Cross Map, Satellite view of Mountain Cross, Tweeddale, Scotland

Mountain Cross is located in Tweeddale County, Scottish Borders, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Mountain Cross

Latitude of city of Mountain Cross is 55.70879 and longitude of city of Mountain Cross is -3.35532. Mountain Cross has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Tweeddale.
The County of Mountain Cross is Tweeddale.

Postcode / zip code of Mountain Cross

EH46 7

Administrative division of Mountain Cross

County :Tweeddale

GPS coordinates of Mountain Cross

Latitude : 55.70879
Longitude : -3.35532

Online Map of Mountain Cross - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Mountain Cross in the United Kingdom

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Mountain Cross weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Mountain Cross?

List of Railway Stations near to Mountain Cross
The nearest railway stations to Mountain Cross are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Mountain Cross
Carstairs Station19.72 Km
Livingston South Station20.29 Km
Kirknewton Station20.58 Km
West Calder Station20.86 Km
Curriehill Station21.45 Km
Addiewell Station21.70 Km
Wester Hailes Station23.28 Km
Breich Station23.59 Km
Kingsknowe Station24.03 Km
Gorebridge Station24.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Mountain Cross?

List of Stops near to Mountain Cross
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Mountain Cross are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Mountain Cross
Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)177 m
Cottages Bus Stop (o/s)191 m
Newlands Primary School Bus Stop (o/s)1.34 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (Opp)1.56 Km
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (At)1.56 Km
Newlands Cemetery Bus Stop (Opp)2.21 Km
Newlands Cemetery Bus Stop (At)2.21 Km
Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (At)2.41 Km
Old Mill Inn Bus Stop (Opp)2.41 Km
Castlecraig Lodge Bus Stop (Opp)2.67 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Mountain Cross

List of Historic places near to Mountain Cross

NameDistances from Mountain Cross
Stobo Parish Church9.85 Km
Neidpath Castle10.87 Km
Cross Kirk, Peebles11.83 Km
Dawyck Botanic Garden11.84 Km
Gladstone Court Museum13.99 Km
Greenhill Covenanters House14.19 Km
Biggar Gasworks Museum14.39 Km
Cities or Towns near Mountain Cross

List of places near to

Bordlands0.74 Km
Romannobridge1.56 Km
Blyth Bridge2.20 Km
Castlecraig2.86 Km
Netherurd3.36 Km
Bogs Bank3.56 Km
Halmyre Mains3.59 Km
Kirkurd3.60 Km
West Linton4.78 Km
Dolphinton5.11 Km
Harehope6.08 Km
Lamancha7.03 Km
Dunsyre7.69 Km
Kaimrig End7.71 Km
Hallyne7.73 Km
Hattonknowe8.55 Km
Edmonston8.66 Km
Upper Kidston8.77 Km
Carlops8.86 Km
Cringletie8.89 Km
Shiplaw8.90 Km
Walston9.09 Km
Eddleston9.20 Km
Nether Kidston9.22 Km
Haswellsykes9.31 Km
Candy Mill9.45 Km
Redscarhead9.50 Km
Milkieston9.65 Km
Darnhall Mains9.65 Km
Elsrickle9.76 Km
Barns9.93 Km
Lyne Station9.93 Km
Stobo9.95 Km
Mailingsland10.15 Km
Waterheads10.16 Km
Skirling10.57 Km
Nine Mile Burn10.85 Km
Broughton11.02 Km
The Glack11.51 Km
Hallyards11.51 Km
Bellspool11.58 Km
Calzeat11.88 Km
Bellanrigg12.03 Km
Frankscroft12.16 Km
Leadburn12.21 Km
Peebles12.27 Km
Craigerne Cottage12.33 Km
Glenternie12.35 Km
Kerfield12.36 Km
Kings Muir12.59 Km