Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop Location on a map of Luddenden Halifax

The Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop is located on Luddenden Lane in Luddenden Calderdale, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop by click this link. Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop

Name: Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop
Street: Luddenden Lane
Near Place: *
Town: Luddenden
Locality: Luddenden
Parent Locality: Halifax
Unitary Authority Area: West Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 45018585 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 450018585
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.725871
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.940219
DMS coordinates : 53°43'33.13424964" N 1°56'24.7866954" W
Current time and date at Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop is 18:57:42 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop
Mytholmroyd Station2.73 Km
Sowerby Bridge Station2.96 Km
Hebden Bridge Station4.71 Km
Halifax Station5.73 Km
Todmorden Station10.58 Km
Brighouse Station11.02 Km
Walsden Station11.30 Km
Slaithwaite Station11.99 Km
Low Moor Station12.57 Km
Huddersfield Station13.38 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop
Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop0 m
Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop (opp)42 m
Kershaw Drive Kershaw Cres Bus Stop93 m
Kershaw Drive Kershaw Cres Bus Stop (adj)112 m
Kershaw Crescent Bus Stop193 m
Luddenden Lane Bus Stop (stop)205 m
Luddenden Lane Bus Stop205 m
Kershaw Drive Bus Stop208 m
High Street Bus Stop275 m
Greave House Drive Bus Stop (on)298 m

Cities or Towns near Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop

Luddenden Foot0.48 Km
Luddenden0.61 Km
Midgley1.24 Km
Brearley1.45 Km
Warley Town1.76 Km
Norton Tower1.85 Km
Booth1.97 Km
Friendly2.02 Km
Boulder Clough2.07 Km
Mount Tabor2.12 Km
Sowerby2.28 Km
Sowerby Bridge2.30 Km
Beechwood2.52 Km
Steep Lane2.52 Km
Willow Field2.63 Km
Highroad Well Moor2.65 Km
Hubberton Green2.66 Km
Highroad Well2.73 Km
Ovenden Wood2.76 Km
Pellon2.82 Km
Mytholmroyd2.83 Km
Wainstalls3.04 Km
Wheatley3.32 Km
Mixenden3.51 Km
Hoo Hole3.53 Km
Triangle3.62 Km
Pye Nest3.81 Km
Cotton Stones3.97 Km
Kebroyd4.02 Km
Norland Town4.03 Km
King Cross4.09 Km
Ovenden4.09 Km
Mill Bank4.14 Km
Lee Mount4.40 Km
Cragg Vale4.49 Km
Birchcliffe4.55 Km
Pickwood Scar4.57 Km
Chiserley4.63 Km
Lighthazles4.68 Km
Greetland Wall Nook4.69 Km
Machpelah4.75 Km
Upper Brockholes4.77 Km
Savile Park4.87 Km
Soyland Town4.90 Km
Brookhouse4.91 Km
Woodside4.94 Km
Ripponden Wood4.95 Km
Akroydon4.96 Km
Wood End4.97 Km
Boothtown5.00 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop

NameDistances from Luddenden Lane Grove Crescent Bus Stop
Copley, St Stephens Church5.12 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church5.18 Km
Hardcastle Crags7.01 Km
Gibsons Mill8.01 Km
Top Withens11.52 Km
Bronte Parsonage Museum11.79 Km
Haworth, St Michaels Church11.79 Km
National Media Museum14.09 Km
Colour Experience14.22 Km