Kebroyd Map, Satellite view of Kebroyd, West Yorkshire, England

Kebroyd is located in West Yorkshire County, Calderdale District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Kebroyd

Latitude of city of Kebroyd is 53.68993 and longitude of city of Kebroyd is -1.93333. Kebroyd has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Kebroyd is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Kebroyd

HX6 3

Administrative division of Kebroyd

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Kebroyd

Latitude : 53.68993
Longitude : -1.93333

Online Map of Kebroyd - road map, satellite view and street view

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Kebroyd weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Kebroyd?

List of Railway Stations near to Kebroyd
The nearest railway stations to Kebroyd are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Kebroyd
Sowerby Bridge Station2.64 Km
Mytholmroyd Station5.38 Km
Halifax Station6.28 Km
Hebden Bridge Station7.27 Km
Slaithwaite Station8.10 Km
Marsden Station9.65 Km
Brighouse Station10.17 Km
Lockwood Station10.67 Km
Huddersfield Station10.82 Km
Todmorden Station11.27 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Kebroyd?

List of Stops near to Kebroyd
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Kebroyd are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Kebroyd
Rochdale Rd Stubbing Lane Bus Stop95 m
Rochdale Rd Stubbing Lane Bus Stop (adj)110 m
Lower Deer Play Farm Bus Stop (stop)340 m
Lower Deer Play Farm Bus Stop346 m
Halifax Rd Kebroyd Lane Bus Stop (after)358 m
Halifax Rd Kebroyd Lane Bus Stop (opp)392 m
Oak Lane Sandy Dyke Ln Bus Stop (stop)434 m
Oak Lane Sandy Dyke Ln Bus Stop436 m
Rochdale Rd Oak Hill Bus Stop (opp)543 m
Rochdale Rd Oak Hill Bus Stop (adj)551 m

Historic Places to Visit near Kebroyd

List of Historic places near to Kebroyd

NameDistances from Kebroyd
Copley, St Stephens Church3.65 Km
Halifax, All Souls Church6.53 Km
Hardcastle Crags10.15 Km
Gibsons Mill11.02 Km
Friarmere, St Thomas Church13.59 Km
Cities or Towns near Kebroyd

List of places near to

Triangle0.44 Km
Mill Bank0.92 Km
Ripponden Wood0.96 Km
Soyland Town1.25 Km
Cotton Stones1.61 Km
Beechwood1.65 Km
Hubberton Green1.66 Km
Sowerby Bridge1.73 Km
Sowerby1.76 Km
Ripponden1.77 Km
Barkisland1.84 Km
Lighthazles1.95 Km
Greetland Wall Nook1.99 Km
Boulder Clough2.23 Km
Slack2.35 Km
Norland Town2.68 Km
Friendly2.71 Km
Steep Lane2.82 Km
Pickwood Scar3.15 Km
Krumlin3.16 Km
Upper Greetland3.21 Km
Warley Town3.31 Km
Penny Hill3.60 Km
Rishworth3.60 Km
Luddenden Foot3.71 Km
Stainland3.88 Km
Pye Nest3.90 Km
Willow Field3.92 Km
Pike Law4.00 Km
Greetland4.10 Km
Norton Tower4.16 Km
Sowood Green4.24 Km
Sunnybank4.27 Km
Highroad Well4.35 Km
Copley4.38 Km
Sowood4.41 Km
Greenfield4.44 Km
Savile Park4.46 Km
Pike End4.47 Km
King Cross4.49 Km
Cross Hill4.52 Km
Luddenden4.60 Km
Holywell Green4.64 Km
Cragg Vale4.69 Km
Brearley4.77 Km
Little Bradley4.80 Km
Lindwell4.82 Km
Skircoat Green4.85 Km
Outlane Moor4.99 Km
Midgley5.09 Km