Mount Tabor Map, Satellite view of Mount Tabor, West Yorkshire, England

Mount Tabor is located in West Yorkshire County, Calderdale District, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Mount Tabor

Latitude of city of Mount Tabor is 53.74047 and longitude of city of Mount Tabor is -1.91947. Mount Tabor has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Yorkshire.
The County of Mount Tabor is West Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Mount Tabor

HX2 0

Administrative division of Mount Tabor

County :West Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Mount Tabor

Latitude : 53.74047
Longitude : -1.91947

Online Map of Mount Tabor - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Mount Tabor in the United Kingdom

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Mount Tabor weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Mount Tabor?

List of Railway Stations near to Mount Tabor
The nearest railway stations to Mount Tabor are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Mount Tabor
Sowerby Bridge Station3.72 Km
Mytholmroyd Station4.27 Km
Halifax Station4.85 Km
Hebden Bridge Station5.90 Km
Brighouse Station10.34 Km
Low Moor Station10.97 Km
Todmorden Station12.22 Km
Bradford Interchange Station12.50 Km
Bradford Forster Square Station12.62 Km
Walsden Station13.13 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Mount Tabor?

List of Stops near to Mount Tabor
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Mount Tabor are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Mount Tabor
The New Inn PH Bus Stop (after)21 m
The New Inn PH Bus Stop (opp)22 m
The New Inn PH Bus Stop (at)47 m
Mount Tabor Rd Waindale Close Bus Stop (adj)199 m
Mount Tabor Rd Waindale Close Bus Stop219 m
Moor End Rd Park Farm Bus Stop (at)329 m
Moor End Rd Park Farm Bus Stop (opp)372 m
Moor End Rd Gibb Lane Bus Stop (adj)387 m
Moor End Rd Gibb Lane Bus Stop (opp)433 m
Mount Tabor Rd Stocks Lane Bus Stop443 m

Historic Places to Visit near Mount Tabor

List of Historic places near to Mount Tabor

NameDistances from Mount Tabor
Halifax, All Souls Church3.94 Km
Copley, St Stephens Church5.48 Km
Hardcastle Crags7.48 Km
Gibsons Mill8.52 Km
Bronte Parsonage Museum10.41 Km
Haworth, St Michaels Church10.41 Km
Top Withens11.00 Km
National Media Museum12.11 Km
Colour Experience12.21 Km
Cities or Towns near Mount Tabor

List of places near to

Ovenden Wood1.25 Km
Highroad Well Moor1.25 Km
Booth1.28 Km
Mixenden1.40 Km
Wainstalls1.54 Km
Luddenden1.61 Km
Pellon1.68 Km
Norton Tower1.77 Km
Wheatley1.87 Km
Midgley2.30 Km
Highroad Well2.34 Km
Ovenden2.37 Km
Warley Town2.50 Km
Willow Field2.59 Km
Luddenden Foot2.60 Km
Upper Brockholes2.68 Km
Brookhouse2.89 Km
Lee Mount2.98 Km
Brearley3.01 Km
Illingworth3.02 Km
Friendly3.08 Km
Holmfield3.12 Km
Holdsworth3.37 Km
Boothtown3.46 Km
Akroydon3.64 Km
Woodside3.72 Km
King Cross3.78 Km
Bradshaw3.80 Km
Pye Nest3.81 Km
Catherine Slack4.00 Km
Ogden4.03 Km
Beechwood4.05 Km
Sowerby Bridge4.09 Km
Boulder Clough4.09 Km
Pule Hill4.10 Km
Sowerby4.12 Km
Mytholmroyd4.28 Km
Halifax4.37 Km
Claremount4.54 Km
Hubberton Green4.62 Km
Steep Lane4.64 Km
Norland Town4.70 Km
Ambler Thorn4.72 Km
Shibden Head4.72 Km
Savile Park4.76 Km
Stoney Royd4.85 Km
Sun Side5.02 Km
Pickwood Scar5.07 Km
Hoo Hole5.16 Km
Stump Cross5.20 Km