Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) Location on a map of Alfold Crossways Alfold

The Horsham Road Bus Stop is located on Horsham Road in Alfold Crossways Waverley, Surrey, South East. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) by click this link. Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) Map

Location informations for Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)

Name: Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)
Street: Horsham Road
Near Place: Horsham Road
Town: Alfold Crossways
Locality: Alfold Crossways
Parent Locality: Alfold
Unitary Authority Area: Surrey
Region: South East
Indicator: W-bound
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: surgmjtg (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 40004411831C
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.098826
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.495553
DMS coordinates : 51°5'55.77483768" N 0°29'43.992528" W
Current time and date at Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) is 16:43:09 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound).

What is the nearest train station to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)
The nearest railway stations to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)
Billingshurst Station9.82 Km
Christ's Hospital Station10.66 Km
Witley Station11.16 Km
Warnham Station11.62 Km
Milford (Surrey) Station12.20 Km
Ockley Station12.58 Km
Horsham Station12.84 Km
Godalming Station13.01 Km
Chilworth Station13.10 Km
Littlehaven Station13.27 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)?

List of Stops near to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)
Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)0 m
Horsham Road Bus Stop (E-bound)17 m
Springfield Cottages Bus Stop (SE-bound)1.15 Km
Springfield Cottages Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.15 Km
Alfold Barn Bus Stop (adj)1.55 Km
Alfold Barn Bus Stop (opp)1.56 Km
Chilton Close Bus Stop (adj)1.59 Km
Chiltern Close Bus Stop (adj)1.59 Km
Clappers Meadow Bus Stop (adj)1.60 Km
Chilton Close Bus Stop (opp)1.60 Km

Cities or Towns near Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound) (15 km)

List of places near to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)

Alfold Crossways1.61 Km
Alfold1.66 Km
Tisman's Common2.03 Km
Alfold Bars2.04 Km
Laker's Green2.25 Km
Bucks Green2.77 Km
Loxwood3.29 Km
Rudgwick3.42 Km
The Haven4.55 Km
Ellen's Green4.60 Km
Ifold4.63 Km
Cranleigh4.74 Km
Elmbridge Village4.90 Km
Upper Ifold5.00 Km
Dunsfold5.02 Km
Dunsfold Common5.06 Km
Dunsfold Green5.37 Km
Roundstreet Common5.71 Km
Durfold Wood5.92 Km
Plaistow6.12 Km
Ewhurst Green6.41 Km
Loxhill6.51 Km
Rowly6.69 Km
Rowhook6.82 Km
Ewhurst6.93 Km
Palmers Cross7.01 Km
Five Oaks7.06 Km
Slinfold7.07 Km
Newpound Common7.29 Km
Highstreet Green7.33 Km
Mackerel's Common7.46 Km
Walliswood7.73 Km
Hascombe7.76 Km
Ridgebridge Hill7.77 Km
Grafham8.03 Km
Strood Green8.24 Km
Okewood Hill8.28 Km
Wisborough Green8.30 Km
Mayes Green8.31 Km
Staples Hill8.44 Km
Stroud Common8.45 Km
Kirdford8.45 Km
Rapkyns8.53 Km
Itchingfield8.66 Km
Billingshurst8.97 Km
Shillinglee9.18 Km
Chiddingfold9.37 Km
Thorncombe Street9.54 Km
Lordshill Common9.60 Km
Paynes Green9.61 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)

List of Historic places near to Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)

NameDistances from Horsham Road Bus Stop (W-bound)
Winkworth Arboretum9.18 Km
Oakhurst Cottage9.76 Km
Ramster Hall Gardens10.45 Km
Blackheath, St Martins Church11.99 Km
Horsham Museum12.35 Km
Shere, St James Church13.57 Km
Albury Church13.73 Km
Leith Hill Tower and Place13.86 Km
Shalford Mill14.31 Km
Petworth, St Marys Church14.70 Km
Petworth House14.77 Km
Haslemere Educational Museum14.86 Km
Petworth Cottage Museum14.86 Km
Loseley Park14.95 Km