Mayes Green Map, Satellite view of Mayes Green, Surrey, England

Mayes Green is located in Surrey County, Mole Valley District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Mayes Green

Latitude of city of Mayes Green is 51.14204 and longitude of city of Mayes Green is -0.39833. Mayes Green has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Surrey.
The County of Mayes Green is Surrey.

Postcode / zip code of Mayes Green

RH5 5

Administrative division of Mayes Green

County :Surrey

GPS coordinates of Mayes Green

Latitude : 51.14204
Longitude : -0.39833

Online Map of Mayes Green - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Mayes Green in the United Kingdom

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Mayes Green weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Mayes Green?

List of Railway Stations near to Mayes Green
The nearest railway stations to Mayes Green are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Mayes Green
Ockley Station4.47 Km
Holmwood Station6.94 Km
Warnham Station7.28 Km
Gomshall Station9.12 Km
Littlehaven Station9.37 Km
Horsham Station10.09 Km
Christ's Hospital Station10.44 Km
Faygate Station10.75 Km
Dorking West Station11.23 Km
Deepdene Station11.92 Km

Airports Near to Mayes Green

London Gatwick Airport , UK (14.53 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Mayes Green?

List of Stops near to Mayes Green
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Mayes Green are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Mayes Green
Mayes Green Bus Stop (SW-bound)16 m
Mayes Green Bus Stop (NE-bound)22 m
Walliswood Green Bus Stop (N-bound)740 m
Walliswood Green Bus Stop (S-bound)748 m
Horsham Road Bus Stop (N-bound)1.08 Km
Horsham Road Bus Stop (S-bound)1.09 Km
Scarlett Arms Bus Stop (o/s)1.20 Km
Scarlett Arms Bus Stop (opp)1.20 Km
Froggetts Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)1.20 Km
Froggetts Lane Bus Stop (W-bound)1.22 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Mayes Green

List of Historic places near to Mayes Green

NameDistances from Mayes Green
Leith Hill Tower and Place6.30 Km
Wotton, St Johns Church8.64 Km
Shere, St James Church9.74 Km
Horsham Museum10.22 Km
Albury Church10.54 Km
Blackheath, St Martins Church11.38 Km
East Grinstead Museum12.64 Km
Ifield Mill12.66 Km
Polesden Lacey12.98 Km
Winkworth Arboretum13.09 Km
Box Hill13.35 Km
Hatchlands Park13.70 Km
Crawley Museum Centre14.14 Km
West Clandon, St Peter and St Paul Church14.21 Km
Clandon Park14.61 Km
Shalford Mill14.61 Km
Cities or Towns near Mayes Green

List of places near to

Walliswood0.83 Km
Forest Green2.10 Km
Okewood Hill2.20 Km
Ewhurst Green2.55 Km
Paynes Green2.97 Km
Ewhurst3.06 Km
Ockley3.13 Km
Ellen's Green4.42 Km
Pitland Street4.87 Km
Rowhook5.15 Km
Coldharbour5.29 Km
Clark's Green5.35 Km
Holmbury St Mary5.38 Km
Kingsfold5.47 Km
Abinger Bottom5.49 Km
Capel5.63 Km
Broadmoor6.37 Km
Abinger Common6.40 Km
Cranleigh6.40 Km
Peaslake6.46 Km
Friday Street6.51 Km
Rudgwick6.62 Km
Strood Green6.79 Km
Warnham6.79 Km
Beare Green6.81 Km
Sutton Abinger6.99 Km
Holmwood Corner7.38 Km
Hoe7.44 Km
Rowly7.67 Km
South Holmwood7.69 Km
Rapkyns7.92 Km
Slinfold7.97 Km
Newdigate8.04 Km
Burrows Cross8.06 Km
Farley Green8.18 Km
Wotton8.20 Km
Broadbridge Heath8.22 Km
Bucks Green8.23 Km
Holbrook8.26 Km
Elmbridge Village8.29 Km
Logmore Green8.29 Km
Mid Holmwood8.32 Km
Abinger Hammer8.35 Km
Tisman's Common8.39 Km
Rusper8.65 Km
Ridgebridge Hill8.80 Km
Stroud Common8.87 Km
Alfold Crossways9.15 Km
Brook9.20 Km
North Holmwood9.23 Km