Bucks Green Map, Satellite view of Bucks Green, West Sussex, England

Bucks Green is located in West Sussex County, Horsham District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Bucks Green

Latitude of city of Bucks Green is 51.08176 and longitude of city of Bucks Green is -0.46668. Bucks Green has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of West Sussex.
The County of Bucks Green is West Sussex.

Postcode / zip code of Bucks Green

RH12 3

Administrative division of Bucks Green

County :West Sussex

GPS coordinates of Bucks Green

Latitude : 51.08176
Longitude : -0.46668

Online Map of Bucks Green - road map, satellite view and street view

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What is the nearest train station to Bucks Green?

List of Railway Stations near to Bucks Green
The nearest railway stations to Bucks Green are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bucks Green
Billingshurst Station7.49 Km
Christ's Hospital Station7.99 Km
Warnham Station9.66 Km
Horsham Station10.45 Km
Littlehaven Station11.09 Km
Ockley Station11.97 Km
Witley Station13.75 Km
Pulborough Station14.27 Km
Faygate Station14.31 Km
Milford (Surrey) Station14.95 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bucks Green?

List of Stops near to Bucks Green
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bucks Green are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bucks Green
The Fox Bus Stop (adj)592 m
Haven Road Bus Stop (opp)759 m
Haven Road Bus Stop (adj)777 m
Watts Corner Bus Stop (opp)1.03 Km
Old Cottage Bus Stop (nr)1.04 Km
Watts Corner Bus Stop (adj)1.06 Km
Greathouse Farm Bus Stop (nr)1.51 Km
Station Road Bus Stop (opp)1.53 Km
Station Road Bus Stop (adj)1.55 Km
Guildford Road Bus Stop (W-bound)1.58 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Bucks Green

List of Historic places near to Bucks Green

NameDistances from Bucks Green
Horsham Museum9.87 Km
Winkworth Arboretum11.94 Km
Oakhurst Cottage12.40 Km
Ramster Hall Gardens12.47 Km
Shipley Windmill12.58 Km
Blackheath, St Martins Church14.32 Km
Leith Hill Tower and Place14.35 Km
Petworth, St Marys Church14.47 Km
Petworth House14.54 Km
Petworth Cottage Museum14.59 Km
Cities or Towns near Bucks Green

List of places near to

Tisman's Common0.78 Km
Rudgwick1.68 Km
The Haven1.93 Km
Loxwood3.80 Km
Ellen's Green3.83 Km
Alfold Bars3.89 Km
Alfold3.96 Km
Five Oaks4.33 Km
Alfold Crossways4.34 Km
Slinfold4.49 Km
Roundstreet Common4.53 Km
Laker's Green4.99 Km
Rowhook5.04 Km
Ifold5.44 Km
Newpound Common5.59 Km
Itchingfield5.94 Km
Strood Green6.01 Km
Rapkyns6.07 Km
Billingshurst6.62 Km
Cranleigh6.82 Km
Wisborough Green6.90 Km
Upper Ifold7.05 Km
Ewhurst Green7.06 Km
Plaistow7.21 Km
Broadbridge Heath7.32 Km
Mackerel's Common7.42 Km
Elmbridge Village7.45 Km
Okewood Hill7.46 Km
Walliswood7.47 Km
Parbrook7.48 Km
Dunsfold Common7.60 Km
Dunsfold7.64 Km
Barns Green7.68 Km
Durfold Wood7.77 Km
Ewhurst7.87 Km
Dunsfold Green8.04 Km
Kirdford8.15 Km
Mayes Green8.23 Km
Andrew's Hill8.23 Km
Warnham8.28 Km
Staples Hill8.58 Km
Paynes Green8.63 Km
Two Mile Ash8.91 Km
Rowly8.96 Km
Tower Hill8.98 Km
Coneyhurst9.00 Km
Adversane9.18 Km
Brooks Green9.21 Km
Loxhill9.26 Km
Balls Green9.42 Km