APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank Location on a map of Appleton Widnes

The APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank is located on Appleton Village in Appleton , Halton, North West.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank by click this link. APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank Map

Location informations for APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank

Street: Appleton Village
Town: Widnes
Suburb: Appleton
Locality: Appleton
Parent Locality: Widnes
Unitary Authority Area: Halton
Region: North West
Taxi Rank AtcoCode: 0680TX000003
Taxi Rank Latitude : 53.370985
Taxi Rank Longitude : -2.730071
DMS coordinates : 53°22'15.54681108" N 2°43'48.25536564" W
Current time and date at APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank is 06:26:55 (12/19/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank.

What is the nearest train station to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank?

List of Railway Stations near to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank
The nearest railway stations to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank
Widnes Station866 m
Hough Green Station2.99 Km
Runcorn Station3.64 Km
Rainhill Station5.67 Km
Sankey For Penketh Station5.79 Km
Lea Green Station6.22 Km
Runcorn East Station6.45 Km
Whiston Station6.49 Km
Halewood Station6.68 Km
St.Helens Junction Station7.25 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank?

List of Stops near to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank
Leigh Avenue Bus Stop77 m
Appleton Village Bus Stop94 m
Leigh Avenue Bus Stop98 m
Appleton Village Bus Stop99 m
Leigh Avenue Bus Stop257 m
Horse & Jockey Bus Stop267 m
Leigh Avenue Bus Stop276 m
Horse & Jockey Bus Stop329 m

Airports Near to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (8.96 Km)

Cities or Towns near APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank (15 km)

List of places near to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank

Appleton0.44 Km
Simm's Cross0.73 Km
Kingsway0.86 Km
Halton View1.02 Km
Widnes1.03 Km
Farnworth1.40 Km
Lower House1.40 Km
Lugsdale1.43 Km
Crow Wood1.49 Km
Newtown1.57 Km
Moss Bank1.61 Km
Shell Green1.67 Km
Upton Rocks1.72 Km
Ball o' Ditton1.74 Km
Barrow's Green1.86 Km
West Bank2.18 Km
Ditton2.19 Km
Lunts Heath2.20 Km
West Bank Dock Estate2.45 Km
Cuerdley Cross2.74 Km
Upton2.82 Km
Cronton2.92 Km
Hough Green3.17 Km
Runcorn3.26 Km
Dukesfield3.36 Km
Bold Heath3.44 Km
Astmoor3.48 Km
Hale Bank3.84 Km
Doe Green4.03 Km
Stenhills4.17 Km
Sutton Manor4.24 Km
Higher Runcorn4.31 Km
Rainhill Stoops4.36 Km
Castlefields4.47 Km
Manor Park4.57 Km
Westfield4.62 Km
Halton Brook4.72 Km
The Brow4.75 Km
Penketh4.95 Km
Lingley Green4.99 Km
Halton Village5.02 Km
Lingley Mere5.12 Km
Grange5.12 Km
Tarbock Green5.27 Km
Rainhill5.30 Km
Clock Face5.33 Km
Heath5.33 Km
Weston5.36 Km
Sandymoor5.38 Km
Halton Lea5.40 Km
Historic Places to Visit near APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank

List of Historic places near to APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank

NameDistances from APPLETON VILLAGE Taxi Rank
20 Forthlin Road8.15 Km
Mendips9.99 Km
Speke Hall10.29 Km