Lugsdale Map, Satellite view of Lugsdale, Cheshire, England

Lugsdale is located in Cheshire County, Halton, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lugsdale

Latitude of city of Lugsdale is 53.36273 and longitude of city of Lugsdale is -2.71361. Lugsdale has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cheshire.
The County of Lugsdale is Cheshire.

Postcode / zip code of Lugsdale

WA8 0

Administrative division of Lugsdale

County :Cheshire

GPS coordinates of Lugsdale

Latitude : 53.36273
Longitude : -2.71361

Online Map of Lugsdale - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Lugsdale in the United Kingdom

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Lugsdale weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lugsdale?

List of Railway Stations near to Lugsdale
The nearest railway stations to Lugsdale are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lugsdale
Widnes Station2.20 Km
Runcorn Station3.17 Km
Hough Green Station4.22 Km
Runcorn East Station5.04 Km
Sankey For Penketh Station5.34 Km
Rainhill Station6.99 Km
Lea Green Station7.17 Km
Frodsham Station7.47 Km
Halewood Station7.73 Km
Warrington Bank Quay Station7.82 Km

Airports Near to Lugsdale

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (9.60 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lugsdale?

List of Stops near to Lugsdale
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lugsdale are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lugsdale
Moss Bank Road Bus Stop60 m
Moss Bank Road Bus Stop86 m
Tanhouse Lane Bus Stop240 m
B+q Store Bus Stop (O/s)369 m
B+q Store Bus Stop (nr)380 m
Suttons Bus Stop527 m
Suttons Bus Stop537 m
The Hive Bus Stop (O/s)655 m
Green Oaks Path Bus Stop (Adj)695 m
Frank Street Bus Stop841 m

Historic Places to Visit near Lugsdale

List of Historic places near to Lugsdale

NameDistances from Lugsdale
20 Forthlin Road8.86 Km
Speke Hall11.04 Km
Mendips11.18 Km
Cities or Towns near Lugsdale

List of places near to

Moss Bank0.31 Km
Simm's Cross0.77 Km
Halton View0.77 Km
Shell Green0.95 Km
Widnes1.36 Km
Newtown1.53 Km
Kingsway1.55 Km
Crow Wood1.69 Km
West Bank1.84 Km
Appleton1.84 Km
Barrow's Green2.03 Km
Astmoor2.19 Km
Cuerdley Cross2.25 Km
Lower House2.38 Km
Farnworth2.47 Km
Runcorn2.62 Km
Dukesfield2.97 Km
Ball o' Ditton3.02 Km
Stenhills3.07 Km
West Bank Dock Estate3.13 Km
Upton Rocks3.15 Km
Manor Park3.17 Km
Castlefields3.17 Km
Ditton3.18 Km
Lunts Heath3.41 Km
Doe Green3.47 Km
The Brow3.48 Km
Halton Brook3.61 Km
Higher Runcorn3.70 Km
Halton Village3.70 Km
Bold Heath3.96 Km
Sandymoor3.98 Km
Halton Lea4.16 Km
Grange4.16 Km
Upton4.18 Km
Hough Green4.21 Km
Westfield4.22 Km
Windmill Hill4.24 Km
Penketh4.31 Km
Cronton4.35 Km
Hale Bank4.35 Km
Norton4.45 Km
Heath4.46 Km
Keckwick4.57 Km
Hallwood Park4.63 Km
Palace Fields4.67 Km
Weston4.72 Km
Town Park4.81 Km
Lingley Green4.82 Km
Norton Cross4.86 Km