St.Helens Junction Railway Station Location Map, Where is St.Helens Junction Station?

St.Helens Junction train station is a National Rail station managed by Northern. Station code for St.Helens Junction is SHJ. The National Location Code (NLC) is 2340. Postcode for St.Helens Junction is WA9 3LA.

Location informations for St.Helens Junction Station

Station Code : SHJ
Postcode : WA9 3LA
Latitude : 53.433728
Longitude : -2.70026
DMS coordinates : 53°26'1.42184527332" N 2°42'0.9354866295" W
Current time and date at St.Helens Junction is 20:59:51 (12/18/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)

Live St.Helens Junction DEPARTURES from National Rail.
Live St.Helens Junction ARRIVALS from National Rail.

Map location for St.Helens Junction Station

What is the nearest train station to St.Helens Junction?

List of Railway Stations near to St.Helens Junction
The nearest railway stations to St.Helens Junction are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from St.Helens Junction
Lea Green Station1.81 Km
St.Helens Central Station2.93 Km
Thatto Heath Station3.93 Km
Earlestown Station4.58 Km
Rainhill Station4.76 Km
Eccleston Park Station5.30 Km
Sankey For Penketh Station5.65 Km
Newton-Le-Willows Station6.13 Km
Garswood Station6.37 Km
Widnes Station6.53 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to St.Helens Junction?

List of Stops near to St.Helens Junction
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to St.Helens Junction are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from St.Helens Junction
St Helens Junction Rail Station0 m
St Helens Junction Rail Station (Entrance)29 m
St Helens Junction Rail Station (Entrance)37 m
St Helens Junction Rail Station Bus Stop (Stop A)39 m
St Helens Junction Rail Station (Entrance)75 m
Cecil Street Bus Stop (adj)107 m
Eliza Street Bus Stop (opp)193 m
Eliza Street Bus Stop (adj)200 m
Lionel Street Bus Stop (opp)221 m
Cecil Street Bus Stop (N-bound)242 m

Airports Near to St.Helens Junction

Liverpool John Lennon Airport , UK (14.91 Km)

Cities or Towns near St.Helens Junction (15 km)

List of places near to St.Helens Junction

Sutton0.65 Km
Moss Nook0.93 Km
Sutton Leach1.28 Km
Parr1.53 Km
Peasley Cross1.74 Km
Derbyshire Hill1.79 Km
Marshall's Cross1.85 Km
Clock Face1.97 Km
Ashton's Green2.06 Km
Broad Oak2.38 Km
Collins Green2.59 Km
Parr Stocks2.68 Km
Finger Post2.68 Km
Pocket Nook2.85 Km
Burtonwood2.88 Km
Sutton Heath3.05 Km
Lea Green3.07 Km
Green Bank3.21 Km
Sutton Manor3.42 Km
St Helens3.48 Km
Thatto Heath3.51 Km
Ravenhead3.72 Km
Blackbrook3.73 Km
Earlestown3.92 Km
Haydock3.99 Km
Bold Heath3.99 Km
Haresfinch4.03 Km
Rainhill Stoops4.10 Km
Stanley Bank4.12 Km
Nut Grove4.13 Km
Gerard's Bridge4.13 Km
Brown Edge4.14 Km
Lingley Mere4.19 Km
Laffak4.22 Km
Toll Bar4.23 Km
Cowley Hill4.26 Km
Newton-le-Willows4.30 Km
Newtown4.32 Km
West Park4.35 Km
Grange Park4.51 Km
Green Leach4.53 Km
Pewfall4.61 Km
Lingley Green4.63 Km
New Boston4.65 Km
Portico4.80 Km
Rainhill4.86 Km
North Florida4.87 Km
Carr Mill4.92 Km
Kingswood4.92 Km
Vulcan Village4.97 Km
Historic Places to Visit near St.Helens Junction

List of Historic places near to St.Helens Junction

NameDistances from St.Helens Junction
Mendips13.52 Km
20 Forthlin Road13.98 Km