Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) Location on a map of Marsh Green

The Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop is located on Marsh Green Road in Marsh Green Sevenoaks, Kent, South East. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) by click this link. Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) Map

Location informations for Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)

Name: Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)
Street: Marsh Green Road
Near Place: Wheatsheaf Inn
Locality: Marsh Green
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Kent
Region: South East
Indicator: adj
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: kntdmgjg (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2400A034960A
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.178318
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.055497
DMS coordinates : 51°10'41.9452626" N 0°3'19.790030304" E
Current time and date at Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) is 16:20:35 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj).

What is the nearest train station to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)
The nearest railway stations to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)
Edenbridge Town Station2.55 Km
Hever Station2.78 Km
Edenbridge Station3.37 Km
Lingfield Station4.37 Km
Cowden Station4.56 Km
Dormans Station4.86 Km
East Grinstead Station7.73 Km
Hurst Green Station8.18 Km
Penshurst Station8.49 Km
Godstone Station8.59 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Stops near to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)
Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)0 m
Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (opp)53 m
Moor Lane East Bus Stop (NE-bound)885 m
Moor Lane East Bus Stop (SW-bound)907 m
Den Cross Bus Stop (N-bound)1.17 Km
Den Cross Bus Stop (S-bound)1.18 Km
New Barns Farm Bus Stop (opp)1.19 Km
New Barns Farm Bus Stop (adj)1.20 Km
Hospital Grounds Bus Stop (in)1.49 Km
Hospital Bus Stop (opp)1.49 Km

Airports Near to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)

Redhill Aerodrome , UK (14.08 Km)

Cities or Towns near Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj) (15 km)

List of places near to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)

Marsh Green0.01 Km
Edenbridge2.13 Km
Haxted2.14 Km
Stick Hill2.62 Km
Hever3.47 Km
Marlpit Hill3.60 Km
Mowshurst3.64 Km
Dormansland3.74 Km
Newtown3.94 Km
Markbeech3.98 Km
Troy Town4.12 Km
How Green4.30 Km
Medhurst Row4.33 Km
Hammerwood4.39 Km
Cowden4.46 Km
Horseshoe Green4.52 Km
Lingfield5.07 Km
Holtye5.10 Km
Four Elms5.15 Km
Pootings5.36 Km
Dormans Park5.43 Km
Stonequarry5.57 Km
Crowhurst5.72 Km
Bough Beech5.75 Km
Lingfield Common5.78 Km
Felcourt5.95 Km
Hill Hoath6.02 Km
Hoath Corner6.03 Km
Merle Common6.05 Km
Chiddingstone6.07 Km
Chiddingstone Hoath6.18 Km
Blackwell6.42 Km
Crockham Hill6.74 Km
Froghole6.94 Km
Weller's Town6.95 Km
Baldwins Hill7.00 Km
Crowhurst Lane End7.14 Km
Cooper's Corner7.24 Km
Blackham7.25 Km
Holland7.39 Km
Goodley Stock7.45 Km
Limpsfield Chart7.48 Km
East Grinstead7.49 Km
Teasley Mead7.71 Km
Salmans7.73 Km
North End7.78 Km
Ashurst Wood7.78 Km
Winkhurst Green7.82 Km
The Chart7.83 Km
Toy's Hill7.85 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)

List of Historic places near to Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)

NameDistances from Wheatsheaf Inn Bus Stop (adj)
Hever Castle4.20 Km
Hammerwood Park4.92 Km
Chiddingstone Castle6.13 Km
Sackville College7.26 Km
Chartwell7.58 Km
Penshurst Place8.91 Km
Standen9.68 Km
Emmetts Garden9.83 Km
Saint Hill Manor9.86 Km
Quebec House9.97 Km
Groombridge Place Gardens11.45 Km
Titsey Place11.50 Km
Bletchingley, St Marys Church12.78 Km
Riverhill Himalayan Gardens13.13 Km
Priest House13.75 Km
Knole House13.86 Km