Quebec House Location Map, GPS Coordinates of Quebec House, Westerham, Kent

Quebec House is located in Westerham, Kent, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Quebec House

Latitude of Quebec House is 51.26701 and longitude of Quebec House is 0.07626. The County of Quebec House is Kent.

Longitude and Latitude Coordinates of Quebec House

Latitude : 51.26701, Longitude : 0.07626

DMS Coordinates of Quebec House

The DMS coordinates of Quebec House are: 51°16'1.236" N 0°4'34.536" E

Local time: 16:32:58 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)

Where is Quebec House on Map?

The map below shows the location of Quebec House and road map, satellite view and street view near Quebec House.
Here you can see an interactive Open Street map which shows the exact location of Quebec House. To zoom in (+) or out (-) and see the surrounding area, use the buttons shown on the map. To see the roads, streets and surrounding objects near Quebec House, drag the map with your mouse or finger.
Exact coordinates of Quebec House: Latitude: 51.26701, Longitude: 0.07626

Historic Places to Visit near Quebec House (15 km)

List of Historic places near to Quebec House

NameDistances from Quebec House
Chartwell2.58 Km
Emmetts Garden3.45 Km
Titsey Place4.46 Km
Home of Charles Darwin (Down House)7.35 Km
Knole House8.24 Km
Hever Castle9.24 Km
Riverhill Himalayan Gardens9.52 Km
Farleigh, St Marys Church9.85 Km
Chiddingstone Castle10.14 Km
Bletchingley, St Marys Church12.37 Km
Penshurst Place12.82 Km
Lullingstone Roman Villa13.11 Km
Lullingstone, St Botolphs Church13.15 Km
Lullingstone Castle13.32 Km
Ightham Mote13.43 Km
Chaldon, St Peter and St Paul Church13.88 Km
Ightham, St Peter14.78 Km
Hammerwood Park14.86 Km
Eynsford Castle14.86 Km
Distance to Cities
Quebec House is at:
29.57 Kms from the Westminster City
29.89 Kms from the London City
51.64 Kms from the Brighton and Hove City
59.06 Kms from the Chelmsford City
61.14 Kms from the St Albans City
69.76 Kms from the Canterbury City
76.59 Kms from the Chichester City
96.94 Kms from the Portsmouth City
99.39 Kms from the Winchester City
104.33 Kms from the Cambridge City
106.91 Kms from the Oxford City
110.97 Kms from the Southampton City
126.59 Kms from the Ely City
132.38 Kms from the Salisbury City
146.80 Kms from the Peterborough City
167.08 Kms from the Coventry City
169.72 Kms from the Bath City
172.88 Kms from the Norwich City
173.10 Kms from the Leicester City
173.77 Kms from the Gloucester City
187.03 Kms from the Bristol City
188.76 Kms from the Worcester City
189.70 Kms from the Wells City
191.38 Kms from the Birmingham City
204.42 Kms from the Lichfield City
205.68 Kms from the Nottingham City
210.70 Kms from the Wolverhampton City
211.71 Kms from the Hereford City
212.71 Kms from the Derby City
216.00 Kms from the Newport / Casnewydd City
222.78 Kms from the Lincoln City
227.03 Kms from the Cardiff / Caerdydd City
248.28 Kms from the Stoke-on-Trent City
257.58 Kms from the Sheffield City
259.69 Kms from the Exeter City
276.88 Kms from the Kingston upon Hull City
281.17 Kms from the Swansea / Abertawe City
289.09 Kms from the Wakefield City
292.08 Kms from the Manchester City
294.07 Kms from the Salford City
294.22 Kms from the Chester City
302.43 Kms from the Leeds City
306.72 Kms from the Bradford City
309.72 Kms from the York City
312.62 Kms from the Plymouth City
315.89 Kms from the Liverpool City
326.21 Kms from the St Asaph / Llanelwy City
334.81 Kms from the Preston City
336.71 Kms from the Ripon City
359.73 Kms from the Bangor City
365.28 Kms from the Lancaster City
375.27 Kms from the St Davids City
377.39 Kms from the Truro City
405.82 Kms from the Durham City
415.78 Kms from the Sunderland City
427.68 Kms from the Newcastle upon Tyne City
450.38 Kms from the Carlisle City
539.93 Kms from the Newry City
545.62 Kms from the Lisburn City
546.61 Kms from the Belfast City
563.71 Kms from the Edinburgh City
567.22 Kms from the Armagh City
584.87 Kms from the Glasgow City
600.07 Kms from the Stirling City
610.77 Kms from the Dundee City
614.95 Kms from the Perth City
643.28 Kms from the Derry / Londonderry City
669.10 Kms from the Aberdeen City
744.58 Kms from the Inverness / Inbhir Nis City