Trem y Mor Bus Stop Location on a map of Penyraber Fishguard

The Trem y Mor Bus Stop is located on Windyhall in Penyraber , Pembrokeshire, Wales. Vehicle travel North-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Trem y Mor Bus Stop by click this link. Trem y Mor Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Trem y Mor Bus Stop

Name: Trem y Mor Bus Stop
Street: Windyhall
Locality: Penyraber
Parent Locality: Fishguard
Unitary Authority Area: Pembrokeshire
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: North-West (NW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: pemdapm (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5210AWC51089
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.997806
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.984363
DMS coordinates : 51°59'52.10111112" N 4°59'3.70672188" W
Current time and date at Trem y Mor Bus Stop is 18:08:22 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Trem y Mor Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Trem y Mor Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Trem y Mor Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Trem y Mor Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Trem y Mor Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Trem y Mor Bus Stop
Fishguard and Goodwick Station1.00 Km
Fishguard Harbour Station1.53 Km
Clarbeston Road Station17.66 Km
Haverfordwest Station21.76 Km
Clunderwen Station24.61 Km
Johnston (Dyfed) Station26.82 Km
Narberth Station28.25 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Trem y Mor Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Trem y Mor Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Trem y Mor Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Trem y Mor Bus Stop
Trem y Mor Bus Stop0 m
Fishguard High School Bus Stop215 m
Vergam Terrace Bus Stop258 m
Fishguard Leisure Centre Bus Stop282 m
West Street Bus Stop314 m
The Square Bus Stop713 m
Pendre Inn Bus Stop720 m
The Square Bus Stop725 m
Pendre Inn Bus Stop736 m
The Parrog Bus Stop769 m

Cities or Towns near Trem y Mor Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Trem y Mor Bus Stop

Penyraber0.21 Km
Fishguard / Abergwaun0.71 Km
Cwm / Lower Town1.09 Km
Goodwick / Wdig1.11 Km
Dyffryn1.24 Km
Harbour Village1.26 Km
Stop-and-Call1.55 Km
Manorowen1.97 Km
Cilau2.15 Km
Llanwnda2.85 Km
Rhosycaerau3.23 Km
Pontiago3.29 Km
Scleddau3.30 Km
Panteg3.92 Km
Llanychaer4.04 Km
Bengal4.77 Km
Trecwn5.02 Km
Harmony5.11 Km
St Nicholas / Tremarchog5.42 Km
Trefasser5.64 Km
Tregyddulan5.79 Km
Jordanston / Trefwrdan5.90 Km
Bryn-henllan6.05 Km
Dinas Cross6.06 Km
Granston / Treopert6.48 Km
Cwm-yr-Eglwys6.71 Km
Llangloffan6.94 Km
Castlemorris / Casmorys7.70 Km
Letterston / Treletert7.79 Km
Pontfaen8.10 Km
Little Newcastle / Castell-newydd-bach8.91 Km
Mathry / Mathri9.13 Km
Sealyham9.48 Km
Casmael / Puncheston9.48 Km
Cippin Stone9.63 Km
Welsh Hook9.74 Km
Parrog9.79 Km
Colston9.97 Km
Pen-Lan-mabws10.41 Km
Abercastle10.57 Km
Newport / Trefdraeth10.58 Km
Castlebythe10.83 Km
Wolf's Castle / Cas-blaidd10.88 Km
Ford11.19 Km
Newton Cross11.48 Km
Pentrisil11.62 Km
Ffynnon Gron11.93 Km
Pont-yr-hafod12.25 Km
Cilgwyn12.28 Km
Square and Compass / Y Sgwâr12.32 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Trem y Mor Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Trem y Mor Bus Stop

NameDistances from Trem y Mor Bus Stop
Fishguard Fort1.05 Km
Penlan Uchaf Garden9.76 Km
Newport (Pembrokeshire) Castle10.55 Km
Carreg Samson Chambered Tomb11.06 Km
Carreg Coetan Arthur Burial Chamber11.25 Km
Nevern Castle 13.22 Km
Waun Mawn13.24 Km
Nevern, St Brynach Church & Cross13.31 Km
Tafarn-y-bwlch Standing Stones13.41 Km
Dyffryn Syfynwy Stone Circle13.96 Km
Pentre Ifan14.68 Km