Fishguard / Abergwaun Town Map, Satellite view of Fishguard / Abergwaun, Dyfed, Wales

Fishguard / Abergwaun is located in Dyfed County, Pembrokeshire / Sir Benfro, Wales, Wales, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Fishguard / Abergwaun

Latitude of city of Fishguard / Abergwaun is 51.99387 and longitude of city of Fishguard / Abergwaun is -4.97619. Fishguard / Abergwaun has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Dyfed.
The County of Fishguard / Abergwaun is Dyfed.

Postcode / zip code of Fishguard / Abergwaun

SA65 9

Administrative division of Fishguard / Abergwaun

County :Dyfed

GPS coordinates of Fishguard / Abergwaun

Latitude : 51.99387
Longitude : -4.97619

Online Map of Fishguard / Abergwaun - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Fishguard / Abergwaun in the United Kingdom

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Fishguard / Abergwaun weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Fishguard / Abergwaun?

List of Railway Stations near to Fishguard / Abergwaun
The nearest railway stations to Fishguard / Abergwaun are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Fishguard / Abergwaun
Fishguard and Goodwick Station1.71 Km
Fishguard Harbour Station2.07 Km
Clarbeston Road Station17.04 Km
Haverfordwest Station21.29 Km
Clunderwen Station23.91 Km
Johnston (Dyfed) Station26.40 Km
Narberth Station27.56 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Fishguard / Abergwaun?

List of Stops near to Fishguard / Abergwaun
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Fishguard / Abergwaun are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Fishguard / Abergwaun
The Square Bus Stop15 m
The Square Bus Stop15 m
Wallis Street Bus Stop272 m
Heol Glyndwr Bus Stop353 m
West Street Bus Stop396 m
Pendre Inn Bus Stop414 m
Pendre Inn Bus Stop420 m
Vergam Terrace Bus Stop451 m
Playground Bus Stop567 m
Playground Bus Stop578 m

Historic Places to Visit near Fishguard / Abergwaun

List of Historic places near to Fishguard / Abergwaun

NameDistances from Fishguard / Abergwaun
Fishguard Fort0.94 Km
Penlan Uchaf Garden9.13 Km
Newport (Pembrokeshire) Castle10.09 Km
Carreg Coetan Arthur Burial Chamber10.79 Km
Carreg Samson Chambered Tomb11.41 Km
Waun Mawn12.60 Km
Tafarn-y-bwlch Standing Stones12.77 Km
Nevern Castle 12.80 Km
Nevern, St Brynach Church & Cross12.88 Km
Dyffryn Syfynwy Stone Circle13.25 Km
Pentre Ifan14.14 Km
Cities or Towns near Fishguard / Abergwaun