The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) Location on a map of Boreham Street

The The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop is located on Boreham Hill in Boreham Street Wealden, East Sussex, South East. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) by click this link. The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) Map

Location informations for The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)

Name: The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)
Street: Boreham Hill
Near Place: The Smugglers Wheel
Locality: Boreham Street
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: East Sussex
Region: South East
Indicator: adj
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: esudamjm (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 1400WE0580
Bus Stop Latitude : 50.877316
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.368724
DMS coordinates : 50°52'38.33796756" N 0°22'7.4072388" E
Current time and date at The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) is 16:28:32 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj).

What is the nearest train station to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)
The nearest railway stations to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)
Normans Bay Station5.88 Km
Cooden Beach Station6.37 Km
Pevensey Bay Station6.90 Km
Pevensey and Westham Station7.50 Km
Collington Station7.55 Km
Bexhill Station8.60 Km
Crowhurst Station9.39 Km
Battle Station9.68 Km
Polegate Station10.68 Km
Hampden Park Station10.97 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Stops near to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)
The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)0 m
The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (opp)16 m
White Friars Hotel Bus Stop (opp)380 m
Wood Lane Bus Stop (opp)381 m
White Friars Hotel Bus Stop (o/s)393 m
Wood Lane Bus Stop (adj)478 m
Wartling Road Bus Stop (opp)926 m
Wartling Road Bus Stop (adj)991 m
Herstmonceux Castle Bus Stop (opp)1.68 Km
Herstmonceux Castle Bus Stop (adj)1.70 Km

Cities or Towns near The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj) (15 km)

List of places near to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)

Boreham Street1.04 Km
Windmill Hill1.95 Km
Hazard's Green2.11 Km
Wartling2.32 Km
Hooe2.46 Km
Hall's Close2.53 Km
Hooe Common2.59 Km
Broadstreet Green2.92 Km
Flowers Green2.99 Km
Chapel Row3.03 Km
The Pound3.39 Km
Herstmonceux3.48 Km
Golden Cross3.58 Km
Bodle Street Green3.59 Km
Russell's Green3.75 Km
Brownbread Street3.76 Km
Chilsham3.90 Km
Ninfield4.09 Km
Whydown4.16 Km
Stunts Green4.39 Km
Ponts Green4.58 Km
Ginger's Green4.58 Km
Trolliloes5.20 Km
Catsfield Stream5.22 Km
Lunsford's Cross5.32 Km
Cowbeech Hill5.45 Km
Ashburnham Forge5.47 Km
Little Common5.75 Km
Cowbeech5.77 Km
Penhurst5.77 Km
Magham Down5.80 Km
Chilley Green5.96 Km
Normans' Bay5.98 Km
Catsfield6.01 Km
Cooden6.09 Km
Rickney6.12 Km
Carter's Corner6.32 Km
Steven's Crouch6.38 Km
Foul Mile6.50 Km
Beachlands6.62 Km
Watermill6.66 Km
Pevensey6.66 Km
Churches Green6.66 Km
Henley's Down6.81 Km
Glenleigh Park6.97 Km
Grove Hill7.14 Km
Pevensey Bay7.25 Km
Jenkins' Green7.38 Km
Westham7.44 Km
Sidley7.45 Km
Historic Places to Visit near The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)

List of Historic places near to The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)

NameDistances from The Smugglers Wheel Bus Stop (adj)
Herstmonceux Castle2.29 Km
Pevensey Castle6.72 Km
Bexhill Museum8.01 Km
Battle Abbey9.28 Km
Brightling, St Thomas a Becket Church9.83 Km
Battle Museum of Local History9.88 Km
Michelham Priory11.15 Km
Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum12.49 Km
Batemans12.49 Km
Eastbourne Heritage Centre14.04 Km
Hastings Museum14.20 Km