Grove Hill Map, Satellite view of Grove Hill, East Sussex, England

Grove Hill is located in East Sussex County, Wealden District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Grove Hill

Latitude of city of Grove Hill is 50.90355 and longitude of city of Grove Hill is 0.27581. Grove Hill has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of East Sussex.
The County of Grove Hill is East Sussex.

Postcode / zip code of Grove Hill

BN27 4

Administrative division of Grove Hill

County :East Sussex

GPS coordinates of Grove Hill

Latitude : 50.90355
Longitude : 0.27581

Online Map of Grove Hill - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Grove Hill in the United Kingdom

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Grove Hill weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Grove Hill?

List of Railway Stations near to Grove Hill
The nearest railway stations to Grove Hill are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Grove Hill
Polegate Station9.40 Km
Pevensey and Westham Station10.35 Km
Berwick (Sussex) Station10.43 Km
Pevensey Bay Station10.67 Km
Normans Bay Station11.74 Km
Hampden Park Station11.92 Km
Cooden Beach Station13.16 Km
Buxted Station13.95 Km
Stonegate Station14.34 Km
Uckfield Station14.51 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Grove Hill?

List of Stops near to Grove Hill
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Grove Hill are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Grove Hill
Woodside Bus Stop (adj)1.59 Km
Long Birchets Bus Stop (adj)1.61 Km
Long Birchets Bus Stop (opp)1.62 Km
Malthouse Way Bus Stop (adj)1.66 Km
Malthouse Way Bus Stop (opp)1.67 Km
Carters Corner Place Bus Stop (opp)1.81 Km
Carters Corner Place Bus Stop (adj)1.82 Km
Hammer Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.85 Km
Hammer Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.87 Km
Wellshurst Golf Club Bus Stop (opp)1.90 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Grove Hill

List of Historic places near to Grove Hill

NameDistances from Grove Hill
Herstmonceux Castle5.73 Km
Michelham Priory6.35 Km
Pevensey Castle10.20 Km
Brightling, St Thomas a Becket Church10.81 Km
Batemans12.01 Km
Charleston13.04 Km
Alfriston, St Andrews Church13.57 Km
Alfriston Clergy House13.68 Km
Redoubt Fortress & Military Museum14.50 Km
Firle Place14.52 Km
Newhaven Fort14.55 Km
Firle, St Peters Church14.71 Km
Battle Abbey14.87 Km
Cities or Towns near Grove Hill