Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) Location on a map of Langlees Falkirk

The Tay Street Bus Stop is located on Seaforth Road in Langlees , Falkirk, Scotland. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) by click this link. Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) Map

Location informations for Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)

Name: Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)
Street: Seaforth Road
Near Place: North of Davids Loan
Locality: Langlees
Parent Locality: Falkirk
Unitary Authority Area: Falkirk
Region: Scotland
Indicator: opp and after
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 32525689 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 66901790023
Bus Stop Latitude : 56.019198
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.775399
DMS coordinates : 56°1'9.11109108" N 3°46'31.43495028" W
Current time and date at Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) is 01:21:53 (01/01/2025) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after).

What is the nearest train station to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)?

List of Railway Stations near to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)
The nearest railway stations to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)
Falkirk Grahamston Station1.94 Km
Camelon Station3.00 Km
Falkirk High Station3.22 Km
Larbert Station3.45 Km
Polmont Station5.37 Km
Alloa Station11.00 Km
Linlithgow Station12.13 Km
Stirling Station14.97 Km
Blackridge Station15.08 Km
Cumbernauld Station15.37 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)?

List of Stops near to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)
Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)0 m
Davids Loan Bus Stop (Opp)149 m
Inver Court Bus Stop (before)250 m
before Torridon Ave Bus Stop (before)291 m
Torridon Avenue Bus Stop (opp)294 m
Langlees Street Bus Stop (at)300 m
Bainsford Dawson Park Bus Stop (Langlees Street at no 17)346 m
Langlees Street Bus Stop (opp 14)356 m
Haugh Gardens Bus Stop (opp)438 m
Haugh Gardens Bus Stop (at)454 m

Cities or Towns near Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after) (15 km)

List of places near to Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)

Langlees0.29 Km
Bainsford0.66 Km
Bankside0.78 Km
Carronshore0.95 Km
Carron1.28 Km
Middlefield1.34 Km
Mungal1.42 Km
Grahamston1.56 Km
Skinflats1.75 Km
Ladysmill1.77 Km
Merchiston1.79 Km
Glensburgh1.94 Km
Falkirk2.29 Km
Stenhousemuir2.47 Km
Arnothill2.56 Km
Woodlands2.62 Km
Callendar Park2.62 Km
Camelon2.93 Km
Antonshill2.98 Km
Laurieston2.99 Km
Bantaskin3.02 Km
Grangemouth3.33 Km
Beancross3.33 Km
South Broomage3.33 Km
Larbert3.42 Km
Summerford3.57 Km
Hallglen3.66 Km
Letham3.76 Km
Westquarter3.76 Km
Glen Village3.85 Km
Greenbank4.04 Km
North Broomage4.09 Km
Tamfourhill4.12 Km
Carmuirs4.29 Km
Redding4.32 Km
Bowhouse4.56 Km
Reddingmuirhead4.81 Km
Parkhill4.82 Km
Middlerig5.06 Km
Old Polmont5.07 Km
Wholeflats5.07 Km
Easter Shieldhill5.24 Km
Shieldhill5.28 Km
Polmont5.29 Km
Wallacestone5.41 Km
Brightons5.47 Km
Airth5.49 Km
California5.96 Km
Torwood6.17 Km
Rumford6.22 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Tay Street Bus Stop (opp and after)