Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) Location on a map of Passingford Bridge

The Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop is located on Ongar Rd in Passingford Bridge Epping Forest, Essex, South East. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) by click this link. Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) Map

Location informations for Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)

Name: Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)
Street: Ongar Rd
Town: Stapleford Tawney
Locality: Passingford Bridge
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Essex
Region: South East
Indicator: o/s
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: esxgmdap (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 1500623
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.657151
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.155861
DMS coordinates : 51°39'25.74427068" N 0°9'21.099646764" E
Current time and date at Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) is 16:10:39 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s).

What is the nearest train station to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)?

List of Railway Stations near to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)
The nearest railway stations to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)
Harold Wood Station8.93 Km
Gidea Park Station9.05 Km
Romford Station9.35 Km
Chadwell Heath Station10.08 Km
Chingford Station10.42 Km
Goodmayes Station10.65 Km
Emerson Park Station10.80 Km
Brentwood Station11.04 Km
Seven Kings Station11.12 Km
Highams Park Station12.06 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)?

List of Stops near to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)
Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)0 m
Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (opp)24 m
Little Arnolds Bus Stop (opp)506 m
Little Arnolds Bus Stop (o/s)522 m
Crowther Nurseries Bus Stop (o/s)797 m
Crowther Nurseries Bus Stop (opp)804 m
Passingford Bridge Rdbt Bus Stop (N-bound)1.13 Km
Passingford Bridge Rdbt Bus Stop (S-bound)1.14 Km
Church Lane Bus Stop (adj)1.16 Km
Church Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.22 Km

Airports Near to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)

Stapleford Aerodrome , UK (517 m)

North Weald Airport , UK (7.18 Km)

Cities or Towns near Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s) (15 km)

List of places near to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)

Passingford Bridge1.42 Km
Stapleford Tawney1.79 Km
Theydon Mount1.98 Km
Lambourne2.04 Km
Hobbs Cross2.40 Km
Curtismill Green2.51 Km
Stapleford Abbotts2.57 Km
Theydon Garnon2.65 Km
Abridge2.70 Km
Lambourne End2.83 Km
Mount End3.45 Km
Woodhatch3.80 Km
Nuper's Hatch3.82 Km
Fiddlers Hamlet3.93 Km
Theydon Bois4.12 Km
Steward's Green4.15 Km
Watton's Green4.37 Km
Navestock Common4.38 Km
Navestock Heath4.49 Km
Coopersale Street4.57 Km
Colliers Hatch4.68 Km
Waterhales4.74 Km
Ivy Chimneys4.84 Km
Havering-atte-Bower4.96 Km
Piercing Hill5.09 Km
Chigwell Row5.10 Km
Hare Street5.14 Km
Gernon Bushes5.21 Km
Coopersale Common5.21 Km
Coopersale5.36 Km
Sabine's Green5.37 Km
Debden Green5.39 Km
Horseman Side5.52 Km
Toot Hill5.52 Km
Stanford Rivers5.52 Km
Epping5.54 Km
Little End5.63 Km
Clatterford End5.67 Km
Chase Cross5.97 Km
Bell Common6.13 Km
Loughton6.14 Km
Noak Hill6.34 Km
Collier Row6.38 Km
Hainault6.43 Km
Greensted Green6.56 Km
North Weald Bassett6.77 Km
Grange Hill6.91 Km
Rise Park6.93 Km
Chigwell6.93 Km
St Vincent's Hamlet6.96 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)

List of Historic places near to Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)

NameDistances from Stapleford Aerodrome Bus Stop (o/s)
Hill Hall1.95 Km
Greensted, St Andrews Church7.14 Km
Copped Hall7.33 Km
Bruce Castle Museum8.51 Km
Waltham Abbey Church11.48 Km
Waltham Abbey Gatehouse and Bridge11.54 Km
Royal Gunpowder Mills12.15 Km
William Morris Gallery14.12 Km
Eastbury Manor House14.18 Km
Willingale Spain, St Andrews Church14.28 Km
Capel Manor Gardens14.90 Km