Collier Row Map, Satellite view of Collier Row, Greater London, England

Collier Row is located in Greater London County, Havering, London, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Collier Row

Latitude of city of Collier Row is 51.59999 and longitude of city of Collier Row is 0.16372. Collier Row has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Greater London.
The County of Collier Row is Greater London.

Postcode / zip code of Collier Row

RM5 3

Administrative division of Collier Row

County :Greater London

GPS coordinates of Collier Row

Latitude : 51.59999
Longitude : 0.16372

Online Map of Collier Row - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Collier Row in the United Kingdom

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Collier Row weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Collier Row?

List of Railway Stations near to Collier Row
The nearest railway stations to Collier Row are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Collier Row
Romford Station3.11 Km
Gidea Park Station3.54 Km
Chadwell Heath Station4.29 Km
Harold Wood Station4.86 Km
Emerson Park Station5.23 Km
Goodmayes Station5.29 Km
Seven Kings Station6.10 Km
Upminster Station7.55 Km
Ilford Station7.93 Km
Dagenham Dock Station8.31 Km

Airports Near to Collier Row

Stapleford Aerodrome , UK (5.86 Km)

London City Airport , UK (12.93 Km)

North Weald Airport , UK (13.55 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Collier Row?

List of Stops near to Collier Row
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Collier Row are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Collier Row
Collier Row Roundabout Clockhouse Lane Bus Stop (Stop EP)49 m
North Romford Community Centre Bus Stop (Stop EM)55 m
North Romford Community Centre Bus Stop (Stop EC)116 m
Collier Row Roundabout Rex Close Bus Stop (Stop ED)127 m
Clockhouse LaRex Close (RM5) Bus Stop (Stop)155 m
Collier Row Clockhouse Lane Bus Stop (Stop WF)172 m
Collier Row Library Bus Stop (Stop ET)215 m
Lowshoe Lane Bus Stop (Stop EL)310 m
Burland Road Bus Stop (Stop EN)318 m
Melville Road (RM5) Bus Stop (Stop Z1)319 m

Historic Places to Visit near Collier Row

List of Historic places near to Collier Row

NameDistances from Collier Row
Bruce Castle Museum6.11 Km
Hill Hall8.32 Km
Eastbury Manor House8.52 Km
Rainham Hall9.33 Km
Copped Hall12.39 Km
Greensted, St Andrews Church12.41 Km
Lesnes Abbey12.53 Km
William Morris Gallery12.62 Km
East Horndon, All Saints Church13.44 Km
Thames Barrier14.44 Km
Cities or Towns near Collier Row