Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) Location on a map of Slough

The Stanley Cottages Bus Stop is located on Stoke Road in Slough , Slough, South East. Vehicle travel South from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) by click this link. Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) Map

Location informations for Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)

Name: Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)
Street: Stoke Road
Locality: Slough
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Slough
Region: South East
Indicator: Opp
Direction of Travel: South (S)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: slgdjpw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 03700558
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.513888
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.593178
DMS coordinates : 51°30'49.99558644" N 0°35'35.44021068" W
OS Grid Coordinates : SU977803
UTM coordinates (WGS84) : Zone 30U E: 667002.31 N: 5709720.01
Current time and date at Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) is 19:15:22 (07/03/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp).

What is the nearest train station to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)
The nearest railway stations to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)
Slough Station251 m
Windsor and Eton Riverside Station3.27 Km
Datchet Station3.56 Km
Windsor and Eton Central Station3.61 Km
Langley Station3.62 Km
Burnham Station3.83 Km
Sunnymeads Station5.38 Km
Iver Station6.01 Km
Taplow Station6.20 Km
Wraysbury Station7.18 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)?

List of Stops near to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)
Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)0 m
Queens Road Bus Stop (nr)132 m
Queens Road Bus Stop (opp)181 m
Slough Rail Station (rear entrance)198 m
Brunel Way (Bay 13)237 m
Brunel Way (Bay 12)241 m
Heart of Slough Bus Station (Set Down)246 m
Slough Bus Station (Arrivals)246 m
Brunel Way (Bay 11)246 m
Slough Rail Station251 m

Airports Near to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)

London Heathrow Airport , UK (10.28 Km)

White Waltham Airfield , UK (12.63 Km)

RAF Northolt , UK (12.86 Km)

Cities or Towns near Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)

Slough0.56 Km
Salt Hill1.11 Km
Upton Lea1.13 Km
Upton Park1.31 Km
Chalvey1.48 Km
Myrke1.57 Km
Upton1.62 Km
Wexham Court1.68 Km
Stoke Green2.12 Km
Middle Green2.36 Km
George Green2.40 Km
Cippenham2.85 Km
Eton2.92 Km
Farnham Royal3.12 Km
Farnham Park3.35 Km
Langley3.42 Km
Datchet3.48 Km
Eton Wick3.51 Km
Wexham Street3.51 Km
Britwell3.64 Km
Stoke Poges3.80 Km
Clewer Village3.91 Km
Windsor3.97 Km
East Burnham4.18 Km
Hollybush Hill4.19 Km
Datchet Common4.26 Km
Brands Hill4.35 Km
Shreding Green4.59 Km
Dorney4.60 Km
Clewer New Town4.64 Km
Sutton4.80 Km
Boveney4.84 Km
Lake End4.88 Km
Farnham Common4.91 Km
Dedworth5.16 Km
Spital5.17 Km
Burnham5.21 Km
Egypt5.27 Km
Love Green5.32 Km
Lent Rise5.38 Km
Clewer Green5.44 Km
Fulmer5.53 Km
Colnbrook5.57 Km
Langley Corner5.58 Km
Sunnymeads5.60 Km
Lent5.62 Km
Horton5.71 Km
Old Windsor5.78 Km
Dorney Reach5.78 Km
Iver5.96 Km

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Historic Places to Visit near Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)

List of Historic places near to Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)

NameDistances from Stanley Cottages Bus Stop (Opp)
Eton College2.59 Km
St Georges Chapel3.42 Km
Windsor Castle3.46 Km
Windsor Guildhall3.71 Km
Dorney Court5.15 Km
Dorney, St James the Less Church5.39 Km
Dorneywood Garden5.90 Km
Legoland6.71 Km
Taplow Court7.26 Km
Bray, St Michaels Church7.57 Km
Cliveden7.79 Km
Runnymede8.88 Km
Stanley Spencer Gallery9.44 Km
Savill Garden9.61 Km
Jordans Friends Meeting House10.66 Km
Great Fosters11.27 Km
London Motor Museum12.03 Km
John Miltons Cottage13.08 Km
Chiltern Open Air Museum13.72 Km
Bisham, All Saints Church13.79 Km
Shottesbrooke, St Johns Church13.92 Km
Penn, Holy Trinity Church14.32 Km