Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) Location on a map of Stamford Bridge

The Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop is located on Main Street in Stamford Bridge , East Riding of Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) by click this link. Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) Map

Location informations for Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)

Name: Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)
Street: Main Street
Near Place: River
Locality: Stamford Bridge
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: East Riding of Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: 22000528
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 22000528 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2200YEA00528
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.991164
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.914783
DMS coordinates : 53°59'28.1891562" N 0°54'53.218179" W
Current time and date at Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) is 16:15:08 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528).

What is the nearest train station to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)?

List of Railway Stations near to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)
The nearest railway stations to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)
York Station12.24 Km
Poppleton Station15.38 Km
Malton Station17.45 Km
Hammerton Station24.15 Km
Wressle Station24.28 Km
Ulleskelf Station24.85 Km
Selby Station25.14 Km
Howden Station25.43 Km
Cattal Station26.53 Km
Church Fenton Station27.47 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)?

List of Stops near to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)
Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)0 m
The Square Bus Stop (22000529)36 m
Stamford Bridge Moor Road Bus Stop (22001627)272 m
Stamford Bridge Church Rd Bus Stop (22001456)320 m
Stamford Bridge Church Rd Bus Stop (22000531)320 m
Stamford Bridge Battleflats Way Bus Stop (22001455)422 m
Stamford Bridge Bridlington Road Bus Stop (22001526)432 m
Stamford Bridge Battleflats Bus Stop (22001063)433 m
Stamford Bridge Battleflats Way Bus Stop (22001453)459 m
Stamford Bridge Battle Flats Bus Stop (22001062)472 m

Airports Near to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)

Full Sutton Airfield , UK (3.48 Km)

Cities or Towns near Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528) (15 km)

List of places near to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)

Stamford Bridge0.07 Km
High Catton1.93 Km
Gate Helmsley1.98 Km
Low Catton2.06 Km
Upper Helmsley2.18 Km
Full Sutton3.03 Km
Buttercrambe3.09 Km
Sand Hutton3.27 Km
Skirpenbeck3.63 Km
Warthill3.71 Km
Holtby4.00 Km
Wilberfoss4.93 Km
Scrayingham4.97 Km
Kexby5.02 Km
Claxton5.03 Km
Dunnington5.14 Km
Gowthorpe5.17 Km
Bossall5.25 Km
Youlthorpe5.38 Km
Stockton on the Forest5.75 Km
Fangfoss5.79 Km
Newton upon Derwent6.01 Km
Bugthorpe6.47 Km
Harton6.48 Km
Bolton6.72 Km
Murton6.86 Km
Grimston6.98 Km
Leppington7.45 Km
Barton-le-Willows7.74 Km
Howsham7.75 Km
Elvington7.99 Km
Flaxton8.08 Km
Yapham8.36 Km
Garrowby8.42 Km
Bishop Wilton8.47 Km
Osbaldwick8.57 Km
Meltonby8.83 Km
Sutton upon Derwent8.88 Km
Barton Hill9.00 Km
Towthorpe9.12 Km
Barmby Moor9.18 Km
Acklam9.33 Km
Earswick9.33 Km
Huntington9.45 Km
Crambe9.53 Km
Strensall9.55 Km
Foston9.69 Km
Heworth9.75 Km
Kirby Underdale9.85 Km
Tang Hall9.92 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)

List of Historic places near to Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)

NameDistances from Stamford Bridge The Square Bus Stop (22000528)
Brockfield Hall4.82 Km
Bossall, St Botolphs Church5.38 Km
Bugthorpe, St Andrews Church6.44 Km
Yorkshire Museum of Farming7.01 Km
Bishop Wilton, St Ediths Church7.23 Km
Yorkshire Air Museum and Allied Air Forces Memorial8.11 Km
Crambe, St Michaels Church9.56 Km
Kirby Underdale, All Saints Church10.05 Km
Great Givendale Church10.19 Km
Kirkham Priory10.46 Km
York, St Lawrence Church10.72 Km
Roman Bath Museum11.00 Km
York Dungeon11.08 Km
Jorvik DIG11.17 Km
Richard III Museum11.17 Km
York, Holy Trinity Goodramgate Church11.22 Km
York, St Denys Walmgate Church11.23 Km
St Williams College11.26 Km
Treasurers House11.29 Km
Merchant Adventurers Hall11.33 Km
York Castle Museum11.40 Km
York, St Michael-le-Belfry11.40 Km
Jorvik Viking Centre11.43 Km
Fairfax House11.45 Km
Margaret Clitherows House11.46 Km
Burnby Hall Gardens11.46 Km
Barley Hall11.47 Km
The Norman House11.48 Km
York St Marys11.48 Km
Cliffords Tower11.54 Km
York, All Saints Pavement Church11.57 Km
York, St Helen Stonegate11.63 Km
York, St Martin Coney Street11.63 Km
Mansion House11.63 Km
York Guildhall11.68 Km
Yorkshire Museum11.72 Km
York, St Olaves Church11.72 Km
York, All Saints North Street Church11.74 Km
St Marys Abbey, York11.83 Km
Micklegate Bar Museum12.10 Km
Sheriff Hutton Church12.14 Km
Bulmer, St Martins Church12.15 Km
Bar Convent12.26 Km
National Railway Museum12.33 Km
Goddards Garden13.60 Km
York Cold War Bunker13.79 Km
Wolds Way National Trail14.06 Km
Yorkshire Wolds14.06 Km
Thixendale, St Marys Church14.07 Km
Castle Howard14.55 Km