Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at) Location on a map of Tarbert

The Sir E Scott School Bus Stop is located on School Grounds in Tarbert , Western Isles, Scotland. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at) by click this link. Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at) Map

Location informations for Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)

Name: Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)
Street: School Grounds
Near Place: Sir E Scott School
Locality: Tarbert
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Western Isles
Region: Scotland
Indicator: at
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 94723683 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 6010731851
Bus Stop Latitude : 57.900133
Bus Stop Longitude : -6.811965
DMS coordinates : 57°54'0.47895768" N 6°48'43.07541768" W
Current time and date at Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at) is 14:04:01 (12/22/2024) : (Atlantic/Faroe)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at).

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)?

List of Stops near to Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)
Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)0 m
Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (opp)49 m
Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (nr)74 m
Scott Road Bus Stop (opp)308 m
Scott Road Bus Stop (at)315 m
Tarbert (Harris) Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)853 m
Car Park Bus Stop (nr)854 m
Tarbert (Harris) Ferry Terminal866 m
Tarbert (Harris) Ferry Terminal (Pier)876 m
Leachkin House Bus Stop (opp)1.05 Km

Cities or Towns near Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at) (15 km)

List of places near to Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)

Taobh Siar0.58 Km
Caw / Cadha0.77 Km
Tarbert / An Tairbeart0.78 Km
Diraclett / Direcleit1.42 Km
Leachcan / Leacainn1.59 Km
Urgha2.48 Km
Urgha Beag2.49 Km
Ardhasaig / Àird Asaig3.25 Km
Meavag / Miabhaig4.07 Km
Bunavoneadar / Bun Abhainn Eadarra4.44 Km
Carragreich / Carragraich5.03 Km
Drinishader / Drinisiadar5.58 Km
Ceann a' Ghàraidh5.73 Km
Steinis5.83 Km
Ceann-na-Cleithe6.76 Km
Kyles Scalpay / Caolas Scalpaigh7.02 Km
Plocrapool / Plocrapol7.27 Km
Greosabhagh7.32 Km
Eilean Anabaich7.35 Km
Carnach7.50 Km
Scalpay / Sgalpaigh7.54 Km
Ceann a Bhàigh7.57 Km
Maaruig / Màraig7.80 Km
Meavaig / Miabhaig7.82 Km
Rhenigidale / Reinigeadal7.98 Km
Àird Mhìghe8.01 Km
Scadabay / Scadabhagh8.29 Km
Losgaintir8.51 Km
Likisto / Liceasto8.56 Km
Collam8.81 Km
Lackalee / Leac a' Lì8.92 Km
Seilebost9.26 Km
Cluer / Cliuthar9.34 Km
Àird Adhanais9.39 Km
Kyles Stockinish / Caolas Stocinis9.40 Km
Geocrab9.81 Km
Cliasmol10.05 Km
Beacravik / Beacrabhaic10.84 Km
Horgabost10.91 Km
Ardvourlie / Àird a' Mhulaidh11.03 Km
Ardslave / Àird Shleibhe11.39 Km
Manish / Mànais11.84 Km
Flodabay / Fleoideabhagh12.35 Km
Borve / Na Buirgh12.66 Km
Abhainn Suidhe12.76 Km
Camas an t-Saoithein12.88 Km
Scarista / Sgarasta13.80 Km
Cuidhtinis14.28 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)

List of Historic places near to Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)

There is no any places.

NameDistances from Sir E Scott School Bus Stop (at)