Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Stratfield Saye

The Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop is located on Trowes Lane in Stratfield Saye Basingstoke and Deane, Hampshire, South West. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)

Name: Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)
Street: Trowes Lane
Locality: Stratfield Saye
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Hampshire
Region: South West
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: hamjtdtd (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 1900HAA91438
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.348672
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.008518
DMS coordinates : 51°20'55.219632" N 1°0'30.66478992" W
Current time and date at Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) is 10:38:54 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest train station to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)
The nearest railway stations to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)
Mortimer Station3.21 Km
Bramley (Hampshire) Station4.18 Km
Hook Station8.30 Km
Winchfield Station10.00 Km
Basingstoke Station10.47 Km
Theale Station10.49 Km
Aldermaston Station10.73 Km
Reading West Station11.95 Km
Earley Station12.04 Km
Reading Station12.51 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)
Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)0 m
Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (o/s)26 m
Green Lane Crossroads Bus Stop (SW-bound)771 m
Green Lane Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)781 m
Great Hill Farm Bus Stop (opp)1.76 Km
Great Hill Farm Bus Stop (adj)1.77 Km
Stratfield Turgis flexi zone Bus Stop (DRT)1.78 Km
Filling Station & Stores Bus Stop (NE-bound)2.36 Km
Filling Station & Stores Bus Stop (SW-bound)2.37 Km
The Old Elm Tree PH Bus Stop (opp)2.53 Km

Airports Near to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)

Blackbushe Airport , UK (11.52 Km)

RAF Odiham , UK (13.53 Km)

Cities or Towns near Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)

Stratfield Saye0.80 Km
Fair Cross1.31 Km
Stratfield Turgis1.40 Km
Fair Oak Green1.94 Km
Stanford End2.25 Km
West End Green2.40 Km
Turgis Green2.57 Km
Beech Hill2.89 Km
Spanish Green3.05 Km
Chandlers Green3.32 Km
Heckfield3.46 Km
Riseley3.49 Km
Stratfield Mortimer3.55 Km
Hartley Wespall3.66 Km
Sherfield on Loddon3.72 Km
Bramley Green3.79 Km
Bramley4.14 Km
Swallowfield4.16 Km
Hound Green4.51 Km
Lyde Green4.81 Km
Mortimer4.92 Km
Summerlug5.01 Km
Grazeley5.14 Km
Church End5.26 Km
Three Ashes5.35 Km
Bramshill5.40 Km
Goddard's Green5.54 Km
Mattingley5.58 Km
Spencers Wood5.61 Km
Rotherwick5.65 Km
Hazeley5.66 Km
Hazeley Lea5.71 Km
Poundgreen5.71 Km
Grazeley Green5.75 Km
Cufaude5.80 Km
Latchmere Green5.92 Km
Bramley Corner5.97 Km
Four Houses Corner6.10 Km
Mortimer West End6.19 Km
Silchester6.42 Km
Burghfield Hill6.64 Km
Hazeley Bottom6.67 Km
Three Mile Cross6.69 Km
Farley Hill6.69 Km
Ryeish Green6.72 Km
Burghfield Common6.77 Km
Dipley6.78 Km
Hazeley Heath7.02 Km
Little London7.17 Km
Chineham7.23 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)

List of Historic places near to Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)

NameDistances from Pheasantry Lodge Bus Stop (opp)
Stratfield Saye, St Marys Church0.44 Km
Stratfield Saye0.90 Km
Silchester, St Marys Church4.86 Km
Silchester Roman City5.25 Km
The Vyne6.53 Km
West Green House Garden7.54 Km
Hartley Wintney, St Marys Church9.51 Km
Basing House9.65 Km
Odiham Castle10.22 Km
Museum of English Rural Life11.61 Km
Reading Museum12.33 Km
Reading Abbey12.34 Km
Cole Museum of Zoology12.40 Km
Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology12.40 Km
Riverside Museum at Blakes Lock12.48 Km
Englefield House12.51 Km
Museum of Berkshire Aviation14.51 Km