Lyde Green Map, Satellite view of Lyde Green, Hampshire, England

Lyde Green is located in Hampshire County, Hart District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Lyde Green

Latitude of city of Lyde Green is 51.30832 and longitude of city of Lyde Green is -0.98346. Lyde Green has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Hampshire.
The County of Lyde Green is Hampshire.

Postcode / zip code of Lyde Green

RG27 9

Administrative division of Lyde Green

County :Hampshire

GPS coordinates of Lyde Green

Latitude : 51.30832
Longitude : -0.98346

Online Map of Lyde Green - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Lyde Green in the United Kingdom

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Lyde Green weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Lyde Green?

List of Railway Stations near to Lyde Green
The nearest railway stations to Lyde Green are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Lyde Green
Hook Station3.50 Km
Bramley (Hampshire) Station5.92 Km
Winchfield Station5.92 Km
Mortimer Station7.96 Km
Basingstoke Station8.48 Km
Fleet Station10.79 Km
Crowthorne Station13.13 Km
Sandhurst Station13.15 Km
Blackwater Station14.60 Km
Aldermaston Station14.92 Km

Airports Near to Lyde Green

RAF Odiham , UK (8.72 Km)

Blackbushe Airport , UK (9.61 Km)

Lasham Airport , UK (13.91 Km)

Farnborough Airport , UK (14.85 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Lyde Green?

List of Stops near to Lyde Green
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Lyde Green are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Lyde Green
Rotherwick DRT Bus Stop (DRT)456 m
Post Horn Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)868 m
Post Horn Lane Bus Stop (W-bound)875 m
The Street Bus Stop (E-bound)1.10 Km
The Street Bus Stop (W-bound)1.10 Km
Barn Cottage Bus Stop (opp)1.46 Km
Hartley Wespall Flexi zone Bus Stop (DRT)1.49 Km
Bottle Lane Bus Stop (N-bound)2.32 Km
Bottle Lane Bus Stop (S-bound)2.33 Km
Filling Station & Stores Bus Stop (SW-bound)2.52 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Lyde Green

List of Historic places near to Lyde Green

NameDistances from Lyde Green
West Green House Garden3.74 Km
Stratfield Saye, St Marys Church4.55 Km
Stratfield Saye4.63 Km
Odiham Castle5.42 Km
Hartley Wintney, St Marys Church5.90 Km
Basing House6.86 Km
The Vyne7.05 Km
Silchester, St Marys Church8.49 Km
Silchester Roman City8.78 Km
Cities or Towns near Lyde Green

List of places near to

Rotherwick0.87 Km
Hartley Wespall1.49 Km
Chandlers Green1.50 Km
Spanish Green2.04 Km
Turgis Green2.26 Km
Mattingley2.52 Km
Hound Green2.77 Km
Sherfield on Loddon3.08 Km
Newnham3.12 Km
Hook3.22 Km
Stratfield Turgis3.42 Km
Church End3.47 Km
Dipley3.53 Km
Holt3.62 Km
Heckfield3.77 Km
Hazeley3.90 Km
West Green3.92 Km
Hazeley Bottom3.93 Km
Nately Scures3.95 Km
Murrell Green3.97 Km
Water End4.22 Km
Hazeley Lea4.29 Km
Heather Row4.60 Km
Hazeley Heath4.75 Km
Pheonix Green4.80 Km
Warnborough Green4.82 Km
Fair Oak Green4.86 Km
Andwell4.92 Km
Bramley Green4.95 Km
Potbridge5.05 Km
Phoenix Green5.06 Km
Up Nately5.10 Km
Stratfield Saye5.27 Km
Chineham5.48 Km
Bramshill5.57 Km
Winchfield5.70 Km
Hartley Wintney5.74 Km
Greywell5.74 Km
Fair Cross5.88 Km
Cufaude5.91 Km
Bramley5.91 Km
Old Basing5.91 Km
North Warnborough5.95 Km
Hatch6.04 Km
Stanford End6.07 Km
West End Green6.17 Km
Little Basing6.18 Km
Mapledurwell6.18 Km
Riseley6.32 Km
Colt Hill6.59 Km