Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) Location on a map of Morwellham Quay

The Morwellham Quay Bus Stop is located in Morwellham Quay West Devon, Devon, South West. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) by click this link. Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) Map

Location informations for Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)

Name: Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Locality: Morwellham Quay
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Devon
Region: South West
Indicator: SW-bound
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: dvnagadw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 1100DEB11320
Bus Stop Latitude : 50.506664
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.19338
DMS coordinates : 50°30'23.990436" N 4°11'36.16651176" W
Current time and date at Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) is 15:06:57 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Guernsey)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound).

What is the nearest train station to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)
The nearest railway stations to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Calstock Station1.48 Km
Gunnislake Station2.12 Km
Bere Alston Station2.39 Km
Bere Ferrers Station6.22 Km
Saltash Station11.10 Km
St.Budeaux Victoria Road Station11.64 Km
St.Budeaux Ferry Road Station11.71 Km
Keyham Station13.02 Km
Dockyard Station13.90 Km
Devonport Station14.34 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)?

List of Stops near to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)0 m
Rowse Gardens Bus Stop (N-bound)1.32 Km
Calstock Rail Station (Entrance)1.46 Km
Calstock Rail Station1.48 Km
The Quay Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.52 Km
Rock Cottage Bus Stop (N-bound)1.54 Km
Rock Cottage Bus Stop (S-bound)1.54 Km
Lang Gardens Bus Stop (W-bound)1.55 Km
Rock Cottage Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.60 Km
Rock Cottage Bus Stop (S-bound)1.60 Km

Airports Near to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)

Plymouth City Airport , UK (11.20 Km)

Cities or Towns near Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound) (15 km)

List of places near to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)

Morwellham Quay0.09 Km
Calstock1.49 Km
Tuckermarsh2.18 Km
Albaston2.33 Km
Gunnislake2.43 Km
Drakewalls2.46 Km
Higher Dimson2.56 Km
Middle Dimson2.65 Km
Dimson2.71 Km
Lower Dimson2.78 Km
Bere Alston2.99 Km
North Dimson3.04 Km
Newton3.05 Km
Gulworthy3.09 Km
St Ann's Chapel3.13 Km
Norris Green3.17 Km
Metherell3.57 Km
Walreddon3.61 Km
Bohetherick3.63 Km
Clampits3.69 Km
Lumburn3.88 Km
Chilsworthy4.12 Km
Burraton4.22 Km
Cotts4.36 Km
Hole's Hole4.36 Km
Buckland Monachorum4.55 Km
Cross4.57 Km
Harrowbarrow4.74 Km
Coxpark4.91 Km
St Dominick5.01 Km
Rising Sun5.11 Km
Grenofen5.20 Km
Latchley5.33 Km
Weir Quay5.33 Km
Whitchurch5.39 Km
Chipshop5.47 Km
Lopwell5.72 Km
Milton Combe5.82 Km
Halton Barton5.86 Km
Tavistock5.93 Km
Middlemoor6.07 Km
Crapstone6.07 Km
Ashton6.27 Km
Monkscross6.30 Km
Bere Ferrers6.32 Km
Rushford6.59 Km
Bickham6.62 Km
Townlake6.63 Km
Horrabridge6.76 Km
Horsebridge6.84 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)

List of Historic places near to Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)

NameDistances from Morwellham Quay Bus Stop (SW-bound)
Morwellham Quay0.07 Km
Cotehele, Chapel in the Woods2.38 Km
Cotehele2.61 Km
Cotehele Mill3.23 Km
Garden House5.08 Km
Buckland Abbey5.19 Km
Bere Ferrers, St Andrews Church6.43 Km
Dupath Well7.16 Km
Brentor Church10.56 Km
Merrivale Prehistoric Site12.06 Km
Bradstone, St Nonnas Church12.79 Km
Ken-Caro Garden13.11 Km
Antony House13.68 Km
Drizzlecombe Stone Rows14.54 Km
Port Eliot14.67 Km
Princetown, St Michaels Church14.70 Km
St Germans Priory Church14.79 Km