Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop Location on a map of Seacroft Leeds

The Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop is located on Kentmere Avenue in Seacroft Leeds, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop by click this link. Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop

Name: Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop
Street: Kentmere Avenue
Near Place: Church
Town: Seacroft
Locality: Seacroft
Parent Locality: Leeds
Unitary Authority Area: West Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 45013788 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 450013788
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.821966
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.469921
DMS coordinates : 53°49'19.07586696" N 1°28'11.71474824" W
Current time and date at Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop is 20:16:54 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop
Cross Gates Station2.25 Km
Leeds Station5.91 Km
Garforth Station6.41 Km
Burley Park Station7.17 Km
East Garforth Station7.33 Km
Woodlesford Station7.46 Km
Headingley Station8.17 Km
Cottingley Station9.80 Km
Kirkstall Forge Station10.02 Km
Micklefield Station10.09 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop
Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop0 m
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Bus Stop (S bound)9 m
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Bus Stop (E bound)70 m
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Bus Stop (W bound)75 m
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church Bus Stop (N bound)91 m
North Parkway Pigeon Cote Road Bus Stop183 m
North Parkway Asket Avenue Bus Stop212 m
North Parkway Asket Avenue Bus Stop (opp)233 m
North Parkway Pigeon Cote Road Bus Stop (adj)236 m
Kentmere Ave Brooklands Lane Bus Stop (before)252 m

Airports Near to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop

Leeds Bradford Airport , UK (13.43 Km)

Cities or Towns near Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop

Beechwood0.41 Km
Brooklands0.42 Km
The Green0.82 Km
Fearnville1.05 Km
Whinmoor1.27 Km
Hollin Park1.28 Km
Seacroft1.29 Km
Brianside1.30 Km
Monkswood1.34 Km
Parklands1.35 Km
The Oval1.52 Km
Swarcliffe1.60 Km
Cross Gates1.65 Km
Oakwood1.91 Km
Killingbeck2.07 Km
Wellington Hill2.08 Km
Lady Wood2.11 Km
Roundhay2.13 Km
Stanks2.13 Km
Gipton2.21 Km
Gipton Wood2.38 Km
Manston2.40 Km
Graveleythorpe2.53 Km
Scholes2.72 Km
Penda's Fields2.79 Km
Halton2.96 Km
Harehills2.96 Km
Harehills Corner3.10 Km
Whitkirk3.13 Km
Park Villas3.13 Km
Halton Moor3.15 Km
Arthursdale3.19 Km
Sandhills3.20 Km
Austhorpe3.20 Km
Gledhow3.31 Km
Whitkirk Lane End3.38 Km
Osmondthorpe3.52 Km
Lidgett Park3.55 Km
Colton3.58 Km
Burmantofts3.76 Km
Shadwell3.80 Km
Brown Moor4.03 Km
Potternewton4.05 Km
Colton Common4.12 Km
Sheepscar4.25 Km
Slaid Hill4.27 Km
New Town4.32 Km
Richmond Hill4.38 Km
Cross Green4.44 Km
Bank4.47 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop

NameDistances from Kentmere Avenue North Parkway Bus Stop
Temple Newsam House4.23 Km
Leeds, St John the Evangelist5.28 Km
Bramham Park8.57 Km
Harewood House9.13 Km
Harewood, All Saints9.15 Km
Lead, St Marys Church11.39 Km
Steeton Hall Gateway14.22 Km
Spofforth Castle14.87 Km