Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) Location on a map of Peterculter

The Johnston Gardens Bus Stop is located on Malcolm Road in Peterculter , Aberdeen, Scotland. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) by click this link. Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) Map

Location informations for Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)

Name: Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)
Street: Malcolm Road
Near Place: Johnston Gardens
Town: Aberdeen
Suburb: Culter
Locality: Peterculter
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Aberdeen
Region: Scotland
Indicator: opp
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 23232386 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 639007011
Bus Stop Latitude : 57.102207
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.275786
DMS coordinates : 57°6'7.945218" N 2°16'32.83049568" W
Current time and date at Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) is 22:17:55 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp).

What is the nearest train station to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Railway Stations near to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)
The nearest railway stations to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)
Portlethen Station10.09 Km
Aberdeen Station11.64 Km
Dyce Station12.56 Km
Stonehaven Station15.36 Km
Inverurie Station21.30 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)?

List of Stops near to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)
Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)0 m
Malcolm Road Bus Stop (at)34 m
Johnston Gardens West Bus Stop (at)162 m
Johnston Gardens West Bus Stop (opp)171 m
Bucklerburn Close Bus Stop (opp)201 m
Bucklerburn Close Bus Stop (at)209 m
Malcolm Road Bus Stop (NW-bound)243 m
Johnston Gardens East Bus Stop (opp)256 m
Malcolm Road Bus Stop (SE-bound)292 m
Johnston Gardens East Bus Stop (adj)310 m

Airports Near to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)

Aberdeen Dyce Airport , UK (12.04 Km)

Cities or Towns near Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp) (15 km)

List of places near to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)

Peterculter0.92 Km
Coalford1.99 Km
Stony Hill2.38 Km
Milltimber2.42 Km
Mid Anguston2.45 Km
Drum3.11 Km
Kirkton of Maryculter3.20 Km
Benthoul3.81 Km
Blacktop4.01 Km
Hardgate4.24 Km
Kincluny4.75 Km
Drumoak4.86 Km
Bieldside4.90 Km
Cairnie5.22 Km
Elrick5.62 Km
Westhill5.69 Km
Stranog5.69 Km
Redhill5.70 Km
Blairs5.72 Km
Auchlunies5.90 Km
Cults5.96 Km
Denside5.97 Km
Mill of Monquich6.15 Km
Durris Ho6.15 Km
Swellhead6.34 Km
Garlogie6.62 Km
Kingswells6.71 Km
Schoolhill6.91 Km
Woodlands6.97 Km
South Brachmont7.03 Km
Kirkton of Skene7.15 Km
Upper Park7.54 Km
Netherley7.82 Km
Kirkton of Durris7.95 Km
Borrowfield8.00 Km
Banchory-Devenick8.12 Km
Badentoy Park8.18 Km
Duff's Hill8.28 Km
Sheddocksley8.31 Km
Craigiebuckler8.33 Km
Braeside8.41 Km
Summerhill8.62 Km
Garthdee8.65 Km
Seafield8.76 Km
Cookney8.82 Km
Craiggie Cat8.84 Km
Mannofield8.84 Km
Calladrum8.97 Km
Kaimhill9.02 Km
Mastrick9.07 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)

List of Historic places near to Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)

NameDistances from Johnston Gardens Bus Stop (opp)
Drum Castle3.81 Km
Cullerlie Stone Circle5.68 Km
Rhynie Man9.68 Km
Duthie Park and Winter Gardens11.04 Km
Provost Skenes House11.22 Km
Aberdeen Art Gallery11.64 Km
Tolbooth Museum11.99 Km
Aberdeen Maritime Museum12.00 Km
Sunhoney Stone Circle12.58 Km
Kings College Chapel, Aberdeen12.63 Km
Cruickshank Botanic Garden12.65 Km
Crathes Castle12.90 Km
Midmar Kirk Stone Circle14.36 Km
Falls of Feugh14.59 Km
Dyce Symbol Stones14.70 Km
Cowie Chapel, St Mary of the Storms14.83 Km
Banchory Museum14.90 Km
Nine Stanes Stone Circle14.94 Km