Craiggie Cat Map, Satellite view of Craiggie Cat, Kincardineshire, Scotland

Craiggie Cat is located in Kincardineshire County, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Craiggie Cat

Latitude of city of Craiggie Cat is 57.02336 and longitude of city of Craiggie Cat is -2.25693. Craiggie Cat has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Kincardineshire.
The County of Craiggie Cat is Kincardineshire.

Postcode / zip code of Craiggie Cat

AB39 3

Administrative division of Craiggie Cat

County :Kincardineshire

GPS coordinates of Craiggie Cat

Latitude : 57.02336
Longitude : -2.25693

Online Map of Craiggie Cat - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Craiggie Cat in the United Kingdom

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Craiggie Cat weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Craiggie Cat?

List of Railway Stations near to Craiggie Cat
The nearest railway stations to Craiggie Cat are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Craiggie Cat
Stonehaven Station6.57 Km
Portlethen Station8.95 Km
Aberdeen Station16.45 Km
Dyce Station20.64 Km
Laurencekirk Station24.36 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Craiggie Cat?

List of Stops near to Craiggie Cat
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Craiggie Cat are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Craiggie Cat
Insch of Ury Bus Stop (off B979)463 m
Netherley Primary School Bus Stop (off B979)920 m
Bus Shelter Bus Stop (opp)1.33 Km
School Bus Stop (at)1.35 Km
Netherley Mains Bus Stop (off B979)1.46 Km
Allochie Bus Stop (Unclassified road off B979)2.09 Km
Anvil Cottage Bus Stop (Off B979)2.53 Km
Burnhaugh Bus Stop (off B979)2.54 Km
Upper Burnhaugh Bus Stop (off B979)2.64 Km
Church Bus Stop (at)2.74 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Craiggie Cat

List of Historic places near to Craiggie Cat

NameDistances from Craiggie Cat
Cowie Chapel, St Mary of the Storms6.49 Km
Fetteresso, St Ciarans Old Church6.85 Km
Dunnottar Church and Marischal Aisle7.53 Km
Dunnottar Castle9.30 Km
Drum Castle9.36 Km
Nine Stanes Stone Circle12.22 Km
Cullerlie Stone Circle13.13 Km
Crathes Castle13.19 Km
Falls of Feugh14.49 Km
Cities or Towns near Craiggie Cat

List of places near to

Netherley1.34 Km
Borrowfield1.62 Km
South Cookney1.99 Km
Cookney3.08 Km
Mill of Monquich3.16 Km
South Brachmont3.60 Km
Denside4.31 Km
Rickarton4.35 Km
Stranog4.46 Km
Chapelton5.08 Km
Windyedge5.08 Km
Bridge of Muchalls5.15 Km
Redcloak5.25 Km
Muchalls5.72 Km
Durris Ho6.39 Km
Swellhead6.39 Km
Kincluny6.39 Km
Woodlands6.49 Km
Newtonhill6.54 Km
Cowie6.57 Km
Cammachmore6.70 Km
Stony Hill6.74 Km
Kirkton of Maryculter6.78 Km
Kirktown of Fetteresso6.78 Km
Stonehaven7.26 Km
Calladrum7.26 Km
Coalford7.27 Km
Badentoy Park7.94 Km
Downies8.03 Km
Kirkton of Durris8.04 Km
Peterculter8.11 Km
Drumoak8.24 Km
Drum8.43 Km
Auchlunies8.70 Km
Portlethen8.84 Km
Lochton8.99 Km
Milltimber9.09 Km
Portlethen Village9.30 Km
Upper Park9.43 Km
Hillside9.52 Km
Crossroads9.59 Km
Duff's Hill9.88 Km
Blairs10.07 Km
Mid Anguston10.15 Km
Findon10.37 Km
Hardgate10.37 Km
Crathes10.41 Km
Bieldside10.57 Km
Marywell10.97 Km
Cults11.34 Km