Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) Location on a map of Naburn York

The Howden Dike Bus Stop is located on B1222 York Road in Naburn , York, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel North from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) by click this link. Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) Map

Location informations for Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)

Name: Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)
Street: B1222 York Road
Near Place: Boat Building Yard
Locality: Naburn
Parent Locality: York
Unitary Authority Area: York
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: o/s boatyard
Direction of Travel: North (N)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 32901674 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 3290YYA01674
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.905467
Bus Stop Longitude : -1.08852
DMS coordinates : 53°54'19.68145308" N 1°5'18.67175412" W
Current time and date at Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) is 19:49:58 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard).

What is the nearest train station to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)?

List of Railway Stations near to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)
The nearest railway stations to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)
York Station5.85 Km
Poppleton Station8.76 Km
Ulleskelf Station10.04 Km
Church Fenton Station12.65 Km
Selby Station13.74 Km
Sherburn-In-Elmet Station15.31 Km
Hammerton Station16.31 Km
South Milford Station17.33 Km
Wressle Station18.25 Km
Cattal Station18.31 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)?

List of Stops near to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)
Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)0 m
Howden Dike Bus Stop (opp Newstead)109 m
Front Street Bus Stop296 m
Naburn School Bus Stop377 m
Grange Garth Bus Stop (opp)777 m
Grange Garth Bus Stop (o/s)784 m
Ship Inn Bus Stop (opp Poplar Farm)981 m
Ship Inn Bus Stop (o/s Poplar Farm)992 m
Keble Park South Bus Stop1.13 Km
Acaster Lane Bus Stop (opp. 96)1.19 Km

Airports Near to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)

Leeds East Airport , UK (10.57 Km)

Cities or Towns near Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard) (15 km)

List of places near to Howden Dike Bus Stop (o/s boatyard)

Naburn0.36 Km
Acaster Malbis1.27 Km
Bishopthorpe1.90 Km
Westfield Park2.33 Km
Crockey Hill2.61 Km
Fulford2.68 Km
Middlethorpe2.82 Km
Deighton3.15 Km
Copmanthorpe3.64 Km
Knavesmire3.92 Km
Woodthorpe4.00 Km
Dringhouses4.16 Km
Escrick4.18 Km
South Bank4.38 Km
Stillingfleet4.79 Km
Walmgate Stray4.88 Km
Clementhorpe5.02 Km
Askham Bryan5.04 Km
Acaster Selby5.15 Km
Heslington5.28 Km
University5.38 Km
Low Field5.61 Km
Appleton Roebuck5.70 Km
Colton5.71 Km
Holgate5.75 Km
Foss Islands6.08 Km
Acomb6.09 Km
Holme Green6.13 Km
Colton Lane End6.23 Km
York6.30 Km
Chapel Fields6.30 Km
Tang Hall6.48 Km
Layerthorpe6.55 Km
Bilbrough6.65 Km
Askham Richard6.75 Km
The Groves6.87 Km
Osbaldwick6.97 Km
Ouse Acres7.03 Km
Knapton7.23 Km
Heworth7.40 Km
Steeton7.43 Km
Street Houses7.47 Km
Nun Appleton7.50 Km
Kelfield7.52 Km
Grimston8.01 Km
Bolton Percy8.09 Km
Wheldrake8.21 Km
Riccall8.22 Km
Ryther8.29 Km
Clifton8.39 Km