Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop Location on a map of Higher Wych

The Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop is located on Drury Lane in Higher Wych , Wrexham, Wales. Vehicle travel South-West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop by click this link. Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop

Name: Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop
Street: Drury Lane
Locality: Higher Wych
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Wrexham
Region: Wales
Direction of Travel: South-West (SW)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: wremdgw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 5140WDB22774
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.986469
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.751514
DMS coordinates : 52°59'11.28764328" N 2°45'5.44975776" W
Current time and date at Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop is 11:31:07 (12/20/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop
Whitchurch (Salop) Station5.72 Km
Prees Station10.54 Km
Wrenbury Station11.03 Km
Wem Station14.63 Km
Nantwich Station17.76 Km
Wrexham Central Station17.84 Km
Wrexham General Station18.22 Km
Ruabon Station19.52 Km
Yorton Station19.76 Km
Gwersyllt Station20.22 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop
Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop0 m
Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop5 m
Wigland Corner Bus Stop (adj)1.17 Km
Highfields Bus Stop1.43 Km
Highfields Bus Stop1.44 Km
Agden Lane Bus Stop (cnr)1.76 Km
Agden Lane Bus Stop (opp)1.78 Km
Bridge Bus Stop (adj)2.49 Km
Horse & Jocky PH Bus Stop (adj)2.56 Km
Horse & Jocky PH Bus Stop (opp)2.57 Km

Cities or Towns near Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop

Higher Wych0.06 Km
Lower Wych1.39 Km
Whitewell2.36 Km
Grindley Brook2.54 Km
Redbrook2.60 Km
Bradley Green2.62 Km
Drury Lane2.98 Km
The Chequer3.04 Km
Brooklands3.33 Km
Oldcastle Heath3.34 Km
Little Green3.42 Km
Bell o' th' Hill3.45 Km
Eglwys Cross3.55 Km
Chemistry3.94 Km
Bradeley Green3.97 Km
Malpas3.98 Km
Cross o' th' Hill4.00 Km
Bronington4.14 Km
Cuddington Heath4.29 Km
Three Fingers4.37 Km
Blackoe4.41 Km
Fenn's Bank4.65 Km
No Man's Heath4.72 Km
Little Arowry4.83 Km
Wirswall4.88 Km
Whitchurch4.89 Km
Bickleywood4.91 Km
Tallarn Green5.09 Km
Ebnal5.23 Km
Lower Threapwood5.23 Km
Quoisley5.24 Km
Alkington5.42 Km
Horseman's Green5.46 Km
Upper Threapwood5.51 Km
Hanmer5.68 Km
Hampton Heath5.70 Km
Chorlton Lane5.72 Km
Arowry5.74 Km
Threapwood5.97 Km
Bickley Town6.12 Km
Waymills6.17 Km
Hampton Green6.24 Km
Kidnal6.33 Km
Merehead6.49 Km
Cumber's Bank6.50 Km
Marbury6.82 Km
Swanwick Green6.97 Km
Bickley7.02 Km
Edgeley7.04 Km
Catteralslane7.07 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop

NameDistances from Higher Wych Bridge Bus Stop
Cholmondeley Castle Gardens8.83 Km
Holt, St Chads Church13.53 Km
Farndon, St Chads Church13.76 Km