Bickley Map, Satellite view of Bickley, Cheshire, England

Bickley is located in Cheshire County, Cheshire West and Chester, North West, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Bickley

Latitude of city of Bickley is 53.03669 and longitude of city of Bickley is -2.68805. Bickley has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Cheshire.
The County of Bickley is Cheshire.

Postcode / zip code of Bickley

SY13 4

Administrative division of Bickley

County :Cheshire

GPS coordinates of Bickley

Latitude : 53.03669
Longitude : -2.68805

Online Map of Bickley - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Bickley weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Bickley?

List of Railway Stations near to Bickley
The nearest railway stations to Bickley are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bickley
Wrenbury Station6.45 Km
Whitchurch (Salop) Station7.71 Km
Nantwich Station11.69 Km
Prees Station15.28 Km
Crewe Station18.03 Km
Wem Station20.15 Km
Wrexham Central Station20.82 Km
Wrexham General Station21.07 Km
Delamere Station21.41 Km
Winsford Station21.43 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bickley?

List of Stops near to Bickley
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bickley are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bickley
Bickley Club House Bus Stop (opp)42 m
Bickley Crossroads Bus Stop (N-bound)500 m
Coffin's Garage Bus Stop (o/s)705 m
Swanwick Green Bus Stop (NW-bound)1.84 Km
Cholmondeley Arms Crossroads Bus Stop (nr)1.91 Km
Castle Gates Bus Stop (o/s)2.28 Km
Castle Gates Bus Stop (opp)2.28 Km
Chorley Bank Lane Bus Stop (opp)2.44 Km
Far Meadow Bus Stop (opp)2.73 Km
Far Meadow Bus Stop (o/s)2.74 Km

Historic Places to Visit near Bickley

List of Historic places near to Bickley

NameDistances from Bickley
Cholmondeley Castle Gardens2.34 Km
Bunbury, St Boniface Church9.12 Km
Beeston Castle9.82 Km
Dorfold Hall10.02 Km
Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker11.68 Km
Holt, St Chads Church13.68 Km
Farndon, St Chads Church13.74 Km
Cities or Towns near Bickley

List of places near to

Bickley Moss0.27 Km
Bickley Town0.93 Km
Hetherson Green1.31 Km
Norbury Common1.34 Km
Swanwick Green1.49 Km
Bickleywood2.12 Km
Holtridge2.33 Km
Hampton Green2.64 Km
Norbury2.75 Km
Gauntons Bank2.82 Km
No Man's Heath2.87 Km
Quoisley3.58 Km
Egerton Green3.67 Km
Bell o' th' Hill3.74 Km
Croxton Green3.78 Km
Marbury3.96 Km
Chorley4.07 Km
Hampton Heath4.13 Km
Ebnal4.40 Km
Bradley Green4.43 Km
Bradeley Green4.57 Km
Cross o' th' Hill4.71 Km
Woodhey Green4.94 Km
Bickerton5.02 Km
Wirswall5.05 Km
Gallantry Bank5.36 Km
Hollyhurst5.40 Km
Marley Green5.41 Km
Pinsley Green5.46 Km
Larden Green5.48 Km
Malpas5.52 Km
Edge Green5.65 Km
Bulkeley5.67 Km
Duckington5.71 Km
Ridley5.87 Km
Wrenbury-cum-Frith6.06 Km
Grindley Brook6.13 Km
Faddiley6.20 Km
Brown Knowl6.29 Km
Kidnal6.41 Km
Fuller's Moor6.46 Km
Brooklands6.58 Km
Wrenbury Heath6.72 Km
Brindley6.80 Km
Higher Wych6.97 Km
Lower Wych7.15 Km
Cuddington Heath7.22 Km
Harthill7.28 Km
Old Woodhouses7.44 Km
Oldcastle Heath7.45 Km