High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) Location on a map of Perth

The High Street Bus Stop is located on High Street in Perth , Perth & Kinross, Scotland. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) by click this link. High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) Map

Location informations for High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)

Name: High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)
Street: High Street
Near Place: High Street
Locality: Perth
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Perth & Kinross
Region: Scotland
Indicator: Stop B
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 73723648 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 64801913
Bus Stop Latitude : 56.396709
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.433813
DMS coordinates : 56°23'48.15174084" N 3°26'1.72558392" W
Current time and date at High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) is 18:18:50 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of High Street Bus Stop (Stop B).

What is the nearest train station to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)?

List of Railway Stations near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)
The nearest railway stations to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)
Perth Station627 m
Dunkeld and Birnam Station19.92 Km
Gleneagles Station22.79 Km
Ladybank Station23.57 Km
Invergowrie Station24.08 Km
Springfield Station26.08 Km
Cupar Station27.64 Km
Markinch Station28.69 Km
Dundee Station29.21 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)?

List of Stops near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)
High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)0 m
High Street Bus Stop (Stop A)18 m
South Methven Street Bus Stop (Stop I)58 m
South Methven Street Bus Stop (Stop J)80 m
Mill Street Bus Stop (Stop B)90 m
Mill Street Bus Stop (Stop C)91 m
Mill Street Bus Stop (Stop A)93 m
Kinnoull Street Bus Stop (Stop T)95 m
Kinnoull Street Bus Stop (Stop H)97 m
Mill Street Bus Stop (Stop G)101 m

Airports Near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)

Perth/Scone Airport , UK (6.06 Km)

Cities or Towns near High Street Bus Stop (Stop B) (15 km)

List of places near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)

Perth0.34 Km
Bridgend0.95 Km
Craigie1.16 Km
North Inch1.30 Km
Kinnoull1.31 Km
Barnhill1.34 Km
Cherrybank1.34 Km
Gannochy1.50 Km
Upper Craigie1.61 Km
Moncreiffe1.65 Km
Quarrymill1.86 Km
Woodlands2.05 Km
Friarton2.10 Km
Letham2.13 Km
Corsiehill2.16 Km
Walnut Grove2.21 Km
Muirton2.37 Km
Burghmuir2.41 Km
Tulloch2.59 Km
Scoonieburn2.76 Km
Tarsappie2.96 Km
Hillyland3.13 Km
Old Scone3.23 Km
Craigend3.37 Km
Scone3.45 Km
Kinfauns3.54 Km
Ruthvenfield3.82 Km
Huntingtower Haugh4.48 Km
Huntingtower4.59 Km
Huntingtowerfield4.80 Km
Waulkmill4.98 Km
Aberdalgie5.01 Km
Milltown of Aberdalgie5.05 Km
Lochty5.30 Km
Rhynd5.46 Km
Bridge of Earn5.61 Km
Almondbank5.69 Km
Redgorton5.86 Km
Forgandenny6.13 Km
Stormontfield6.18 Km
Pitcairngreen6.23 Km
Tibbermore6.25 Km
Kintillo6.40 Km
Luncarty6.61 Km
Newmiln6.91 Km
Inchyra7.44 Km
St Martins7.63 Km
Moneydie7.65 Km
Balbeggie7.86 Km
Dron8.12 Km
Historic Places to Visit near High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)

List of Historic places near to High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)

NameDistances from High Street Bus Stop (Stop B)
St Johns Kirk, Perth0.34 Km
Perth Museum and Art Gallery0.42 Km
JD Fergusson Gallery0.61 Km
Black Watch Regimental Museum0.78 Km
Branklyn Garden1.33 Km
Scone Palace2.90 Km
Kinnoull Hill Tower2.90 Km
Huntingtower Castle3.68 Km
Elcho Castle5.34 Km
Stanley Mills9.22 Km
Museum of Abernethy10.24 Km
Abernethy Round Tower10.54 Km
Stobhall11.79 Km
Megginch Castle Gardens12.61 Km
Balvaird Castle13.22 Km
Dupplin Cross13.28 Km
Lindores Abbey13.75 Km
Muir o Fauld Roman Signal Station14.16 Km