High Oak Bus Stop Location on a map of Pensnett Dudley

The High Oak Bus Stop is located on HIGH ST in Pensnett Dudley, West Midlands, West Midlands. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of High Oak Bus Stop by click this link. High Oak Bus Stop Map

Location informations for High Oak Bus Stop

Name: High Oak Bus Stop
Street: HIGH ST
Locality: Pensnett
Parent Locality: Dudley
Unitary Authority Area: West Midlands
Region: West Midlands
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: nwmjwgpm (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 43000849302
Bus Stop Latitude : 52.500951
Bus Stop Longitude : -2.134024
DMS coordinates : 52°30'3.42410976" N 2°8'2.48659692" W
Current time and date at High Oak Bus Stop is 13:20:55 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of High Oak Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of High Oak Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to High Oak Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to High Oak Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to High Oak Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from High Oak Bus Stop
Cradley Heath Station4.56 Km
Lye Station4.72 Km
Stourbridge Town Station5.07 Km
Tipton Station5.67 Km
Coseley Station5.89 Km
Stourbridge Junction Station5.94 Km
Old Hill Station6.24 Km
Dudley Port Station6.30 Km
Rowley Regis Station7.46 Km
Sandwell and Dudley Station8.33 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to High Oak Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to High Oak Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to High Oak Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from High Oak Bus Stop
High Oak Bus Stop0 m
Pensnett High St Bus Stop (before)81 m
High Oak Bus Stop83 m
High Oak Bus Stop96 m
Tansey Green Rd Bus Stop113 m
High St Bus Stop (opp)164 m
Tansey Green Rd Bus Stop186 m
High St Bus Stop (adj)188 m
High Oak Surgery Bus Stop198 m
High Oak Surgery Bus Stop267 m

Airports Near to High Oak Bus Stop

Wolverhampton Halfpenny Green Airport , UK (8.68 Km)

Cities or Towns near High Oak Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to High Oak Bus Stop

Pensnett0.51 Km
Bromley0.98 Km
Brockmoor1.36 Km
Holly Hall1.36 Km
Hart's Hill1.44 Km
Gornalwood1.52 Km
Russell's Hall1.70 Km
Woodside1.70 Km
Kingswinford2.18 Km
Springs Mire2.20 Km
London Fields2.22 Km
Scott's Green2.27 Km
Dibdale2.40 Km
Lower Gornal2.62 Km
The Straits2.67 Km
New Dock2.77 Km
Eve Hill2.83 Km
Blowers Green2.89 Km
Old Dock2.99 Km
Wordsley3.01 Km
Ruiton3.16 Km
Wall Heath3.19 Km
Wren's Nest3.38 Km
Upper Gornal3.46 Km
Priory3.51 Km
Baptist End3.52 Km
Dudley3.59 Km
Withymoor Village3.61 Km
Mushroom Green3.67 Km
Himley3.67 Km
Netherton3.70 Km
Brierley Hill3.74 Km
Woodsetton3.78 Km
Quarry Bank3.82 Km
Primrose Hill3.89 Km
Kates Hill4.05 Km
Lawns Wood4.11 Km
Amblecote4.14 Km
Dudley Wood4.16 Km
Dixon's Green4.22 Km
Parkes Hall4.23 Km
Hinksford4.30 Km
Bowling Green4.38 Km
Darby End4.50 Km
Sedgley4.56 Km
Tansley Hill4.56 Km
Bramford4.60 Km
Windmill End4.60 Km
Swan Village4.64 Km
Gospel End Village4.64 Km
Historic Places to Visit near High Oak Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to High Oak Bus Stop

NameDistances from High Oak Bus Stop
Black Country Living Museum4.70 Km
Hagley Hall8.58 Km
Bilston Craft Gallery8.61 Km
Bantock House and Park9.03 Km
Wolverhampton Art Gallery9.59 Km
Wightwick Manor9.96 Km