Hensall Rail Station Location on a map of Hensall

The Hensall Rail Station is located in Hensall. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Hensall Rail Station by click this link. Hensall Rail Station Map

Location informations for Hensall Rail Station

Name: Hensall Rail Station
Street: -
Locality: Hensall
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Rail
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9100HENSALL
Latitude : 53.698545
Longitude : -1.114519
DMS coordinates : 53°41'54.76132212" N 1°6'52.26707808" W
Current time and date at Hensall Rail Station is 13:15:35 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Hensall Rail Station

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Hensall Rail Station.

What is the nearest train station to Hensall Rail Station?

List of Railway Stations near to Hensall Rail Station
The nearest railway stations to Hensall Rail Station are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Hensall Rail Station
Hensall Station0 m
Whitley Bridge Station2.88 Km
Snaith Station5.70 Km
Knottingley Station9.56 Km
Selby Station9.94 Km
Rawcliffe Station10.17 Km
Pontefract Monkhill Station12.45 Km
Pontefract Baghill Station12.45 Km
South Milford Station12.92 Km
Thorne North Station13.11 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Hensall Rail Station?

List of Stops near to Hensall Rail Station
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Hensall Rail Station are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Hensall Rail Station
Hensall Rail Station0 m
Hensall Rail Station (entrance)21 m
Station View Bus Stop (NE-bound)53 m
Sandholme Bus Stop (opp)130 m
Weeland House Bus Stop (adj)250 m
Rosedale House Bus Stop (adj)252 m
Station Road Bus Stop (adj)273 m
Primary School Bus Stop (S-bound)357 m
Primary School Bus Stop (adj)365 m
Wheldon Cottage Bus Stop (adj)475 m

Airports Near to Hensall Rail Station

Sherburn-In-Elmet Airfield , UK (12.05 Km)

Cities or Towns near Hensall Rail Station (15 km)

List of places near to Hensall Rail Station

Hensall0.65 Km
Little Heck0.99 Km
High Eggborough1.28 Km
Great Heck1.96 Km
Hut Green2.16 Km
Eggborough2.36 Km
Temple Hirst2.94 Km
Whitley3.00 Km
Hirst Courtney3.02 Km
Whitley Bridge3.07 Km
Chapel Haddlesey3.28 Km
Gowdall3.42 Km
Balne3.78 Km
Whitley Thorpe3.83 Km
Kellington4.11 Km
Pollington4.16 Km
West Haddlesey4.29 Km
Kellingley5.69 Km
Snaith5.75 Km
Beal5.83 Km
Burn5.89 Km
Carlton6.35 Km
Gateforth6.36 Km
Womersley6.59 Km
West Cowick6.60 Km
Topham6.65 Km
Cridling Stubbs6.78 Km
Birkin6.80 Km
Camblesforth6.95 Km
Fenwick7.00 Km
Eskholme7.18 Km
Walden Stubbs7.20 Km
Sykehouse7.35 Km
Brayton7.84 Km
East Cowick7.98 Km
Broomhill8.11 Km
Barlow8.39 Km
Thorpe Willoughby8.43 Km
Stapleton8.47 Km
Little Smeaton8.51 Km
Norton8.56 Km
Moss8.59 Km
Hambleton8.61 Km
Knottingley8.63 Km
Mawson Green8.66 Km
Pincheon Green9.12 Km
Kirk Smeaton9.27 Km
Drax9.41 Km
Sutton9.43 Km
Askern9.51 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Hensall Rail Station

List of Historic places near to Hensall Rail Station

NameDistances from Hensall Rail Station
Selby Abbey10.02 Km
Pontefract Castle12.41 Km
Steeton Hall Gateway13.31 Km