Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) Location on a map of Gravesend

The Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop is located on Clive Road in Gravesend Gravesham, Kent, South East. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) by click this link. Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) Map

Location informations for Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)

Name: Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)
Street: Clive Road
Near Place: Railway Station
Locality: Gravesend
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Kent
Region: South East
Indicator: Stop S
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: kntatjwa (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2400A018250A
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.441383
Bus Stop Longitude : 0.367609
DMS coordinates : 51°26'28.97798532" N 0°22'3.392509404" E
Current time and date at Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) is 16:00:30 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S).

What is the nearest train station to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)?

List of Railway Stations near to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)
The nearest railway stations to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)
Gravesend Station67 m
Tilbury Town Station2.51 Km
Northfleet Station3.04 Km
Ebbsfleet International Station3.24 Km
Swanscombe Station4.11 Km
Grays Station5.01 Km
East Tilbury Station5.76 Km
Greenhithe Station6.13 Km
Meopham Station6.16 Km
Sole Street Station6.52 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)?

List of Stops near to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)
Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)0 m
Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop T)9 m
Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop U)41 m
Gravesend Rail Station Taxi Rank (taxi rank)42 m
Gravesend Rail Station (north entrance)57 m
Gravesend Rail Station (south entrance)60 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (E-bound)64 m
Gravesend Rail Station67 m
Civic Centre Bus Stop (Stop R)101 m
Stone Street Bus Stop (S-bound)108 m

Airports Near to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)

Thurrock Airfield , UK (10.69 Km)

Rochester Airport , UK (13.70 Km)

Cities or Towns near Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S) (15 km)

List of places near to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)

Gravesend0.17 Km
Milton0.78 Km
Windmill Hill0.99 Km
Rosherville1.07 Km
Perry Street1.24 Km
Northfleet1.50 Km
West Court1.86 Km
Kings Farm1.93 Km
New House1.97 Km
Denton1.98 Km
Tilbury2.27 Km
Wombwell Park2.30 Km
Parrock Farm2.33 Km
Christian Fields2.57 Km
Pepper Hill2.65 Km
Chalk2.67 Km
Riverview Park3.14 Km
Northfleet Green3.35 Km
Singlewell3.52 Km
Thurrock Park3.64 Km
Biggin3.72 Km
Shorne West3.99 Km
Thong4.03 Km
Istead Rise4.15 Km
Low Street4.17 Km
West Tilbury4.20 Km
Southfleet4.45 Km
Chadwell St Mary4.48 Km
Henhurst4.62 Km
Betsham4.79 Km
Upper Ifield4.83 Km
Nash Street5.03 Km
Grays5.11 Km
Hook Green5.11 Km
Shorne5.27 Km
Stonewood5.35 Km
Knockhall5.41 Km
Little Thurrock5.42 Km
East Tilbury5.55 Km
Greenhithe5.81 Km
New Barn5.83 Km
Round Street5.87 Km
Orsett Heath5.88 Km
Swanscombe5.91 Km
Westwood5.94 Km
Linford5.98 Km
Bean6.04 Km
Shorne Ridgeway6.07 Km
Cobham6.14 Km
Bluewater6.15 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)

List of Historic places near to Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)

NameDistances from Gravesend Railway Station Bus Stop (Stop S)
Milton Chantry0.73 Km
Tilbury Fort1.45 Km
Coalhouse Fort5.08 Km
Owletts5.88 Km
Cobham Hall6.32 Km
Higham, St Marys Church7.03 Km
Cobham Mausoleum7.40 Km
St Johns Jerusalem9.56 Km
Temple Manor10.23 Km
Rochester Guildhall Museum10.94 Km
Cooling, St James Church11.02 Km
Rochester Castle11.12 Km
Restoration House11.29 Km
Upnor Castle11.64 Km
Historic Dockyard Chatham12.25 Km
Paddlesworth, St Benedicts Church12.48 Km
Royal Engineers Museum12.72 Km
Eynsford Castle13.34 Km
Coldrum Longbarrow13.34 Km
Burham, St Marys Church13.98 Km
Vange, All Saints Church14.23 Km
Hall Place and Gardens14.42 Km
Rainham Hall14.90 Km
Lullingstone Castle14.93 Km