Southfleet Map, Satellite view of Southfleet, Kent, England

Southfleet is located in Kent County, Dartford District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Southfleet

Latitude of city of Southfleet is 51.41531 and longitude of city of Southfleet is 0.31896. Southfleet has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Kent.
The County of Southfleet is Kent.

Postcode / zip code of Southfleet

DA13 9

Administrative division of Southfleet

County :Kent

GPS coordinates of Southfleet

Latitude : 51.41531
Longitude : 0.31896

Online Map of Southfleet - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Southfleet in the United Kingdom

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Southfleet weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Southfleet?

List of Railway Stations near to Southfleet
The nearest railway stations to Southfleet are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Southfleet
Longfield Station2.49 Km
Ebbsfleet International Station3.08 Km
Northfleet Station3.42 Km
Swanscombe Station3.81 Km
Meopham Station4.16 Km
Gravesend Station4.39 Km
Greenhithe Station4.73 Km
Sole Street Station5.44 Km
Stone Crossing Station5.54 Km
Tilbury Town Station5.77 Km

Airports Near to Southfleet

Thurrock Airfield , UK (14.00 Km)

Rochester Airport , UK (14.61 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Southfleet?

List of Stops near to Southfleet
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Southfleet are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Southfleet
The Ship Bus Stop (after)131 m
The Ship Bus Stop (opp)132 m
Red Street Garage Bus Stop (opp)314 m
Red Street Garage Bus Stop (adj)360 m
Duck Pond Bus Stop (opp)748 m
Red Street Bus Stop (adj)784 m
Red Street Bus Stop (opp)809 m
Colyer's Place Bus Stop (opp)931 m
Station Road Bus Stop (opp)931 m
Foxhounds Lane Bus Stop (E-bound)940 m

Cities or Towns near Southfleet

List of places near to

Hook Green0.68 Km
Betsham0.96 Km
Northfleet Green1.30 Km
Westwood1.53 Km
Pepper Hill1.85 Km
Whitehill2.14 Km
Wombwell Park2.16 Km
Longfield2.24 Km
New Barn2.27 Km
Stonewood2.36 Km
Istead Rise2.46 Km
New House2.55 Km
Grubb Street2.72 Km
Bean2.77 Km
Green Street Green2.84 Km
Longfield Hill3.16 Km
Northfleet3.26 Km
Perry Street3.28 Km
Hartley3.39 Km
Nash Street3.43 Km
Kings Farm3.56 Km
Bluewater3.77 Km
Rosherville3.78 Km
Christian Fields4.02 Km
Knockhall4.09 Km
Meopham Station4.12 Km
St Margarets4.17 Km
Singlewell4.26 Km
Windmill Hill4.35 Km
Greenhithe4.52 Km
Gravesend4.62 Km
Parrock Farm4.64 Km
Darenth Valley4.73 Km
Hartley Hill4.82 Km
Swanscombe4.83 Km
Henhurst4.86 Km
West Court4.87 Km
Milton5.09 Km
Round Street5.11 Km
Stone5.11 Km
Riverview Park5.14 Km
Shorne West5.16 Km
South Darenth5.17 Km
Hook Green5.26 Km
Darenth5.37 Km
Camer5.43 Km
Sole Street5.47 Km
New Ash Green5.50 Km
Denton5.58 Km
Gold Street5.63 Km