Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) Location on a map of Dunkeld

The Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station is located in Dunkeld , Perth & Kinross, Scotland.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) by click this link. Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) Map

Location informations for Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)

Name: Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)
Street: A9
Near Place: Railway Station
Locality: Dunkeld
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Perth & Kinross
Region: Scotland
Indicator: at
Direction of Travel: (NA)
AtcoCode: 6480DUNKELD0
Latitude : 56.556872
Longitude : -3.578033
DMS coordinates : 56°33'24.74084124" N 3°34'40.9199232" W
Current time and date at Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) is 21:36:04 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at).

What is the nearest train station to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)?

List of Railway Stations near to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)
The nearest railway stations to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)
Dunkeld and Birnam Station30 m
Pitlochry Station18.84 Km
Perth Station20.20 Km
Blair Atholl Station28.55 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)?

List of Stops near to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)
Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)0 m
Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station30 m
Birnam Hotel Bus Stop (at)238 m
Birnam Hotel Bus Stop (opp)239 m
Laiken Bus Stop (at)260 m
Laiken Bus Stop (opp)264 m
Royal School Of Dunkeld Bus Stop (opp)502 m
Royal School Of Dunkeld Bus Stop (at)530 m
Inchewan Bus Stop (opp)586 m
Inchewan Bus Stop (at)586 m

Cities or Towns near Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at) (15 km)

List of places near to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)

Birnam0.29 Km
Little Dunkeld0.52 Km
Dunkeld1.31 Km
Inver1.52 Km
Butterstone5.28 Km
Trochry5.45 Km
Waterloo5.47 Km
Caputh5.94 Km
Dalguise6.76 Km
Gellyburn6.95 Km
Dowally6.97 Km
Bankfoot7.39 Km
Murthly7.53 Km
Spittalfield7.66 Km
Forneth7.66 Km
Guay8.13 Km
Clunie8.17 Km
Kindallachan8.97 Km
Craigie9.06 Km
Airntully9.20 Km
Kirkton of Lethendy9.80 Km
Balmacneil10.29 Km
Wester Essendy10.53 Km
West Tofts10.66 Km
Tulliemet11.41 Km
Milton of Tulliemet11.45 Km
Stanley11.50 Km
Milton11.58 Km
Chapelhill11.61 Km
Kinloch11.71 Km
Logierait12.00 Km
Ballathie12.24 Km
Kinclaven12.36 Km
Ballinluig12.41 Km
Easter Essendy12.49 Km
Moneydie12.73 Km
Meikleour12.79 Km
Harrietfield12.87 Km
Cargill12.87 Km
Balnaguard13.33 Km
Luncarty13.35 Km
Muirton of Ardblair13.48 Km
Blackcraig13.63 Km
Guildtown13.82 Km
Amulree13.98 Km
Milton of Dalcapon13.99 Km
Redgorton14.03 Km
Carsie14.04 Km
Stormontfield14.17 Km
Glenalmond14.52 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)

List of Historic places near to Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)

NameDistances from Dunkeld & Birnam Rail Station (at)
The Birnam Oak0.53 Km
Little Dunkeld Church0.67 Km
The Hermitage1.89 Km
Stobhall12.39 Km
Stanley Mills12.41 Km
Meikleour Hedge13.35 Km