Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) Location on a map of Dundonald

The Denfield Avenue Bus Stop is located on Dundonald Park in Dundonald , Fife, Scotland. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) by click this link. Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) Map

Location informations for Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)

Name: Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)
Street: Dundonald Park
Near Place: Denfield Avenue
Locality: Dundonald
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Fife
Region: Scotland
Indicator: adj
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 34327427 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 6500K0889
Bus Stop Latitude : 56.138055
Bus Stop Longitude : -3.260073
DMS coordinates : 56°8'16.99690632" N 3°15'36.26142912" W
Current time and date at Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) is 16:01:14 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj).

What is the nearest train station to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Railway Stations near to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)
The nearest railway stations to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)
Cardenden Station369 m
Lochgelly Station3.29 Km
Cowdenbeath Station5.90 Km
Kirkcaldy Station6.45 Km
Glenrothes with Thornton Station7.74 Km
Burntisland Station9.16 Km
Kinghorn Station9.31 Km
Aberdour Station9.61 Km
Markinch Station10.63 Km
Dunfermline Station11.87 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)?

List of Stops near to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)
Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)0 m
Dundonald Park Bus Stop (opp)72 m
Dundonald Crescent Bus Stop (Opp)102 m
Bus Turning Circle Bus Stop (adj)131 m
Dundonald Crescent Bus Stop (Adj)216 m
Cardenden Rail Station (main entrance)246 m
Cardenden Rail Station (rear entrance)277 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (opp)318 m
Cardenden Rail Station (front entrance)330 m
Cardenden Rail Station368 m

Cities or Towns near Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj) (15 km)

List of places near to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)

Dundonald0.10 Km
Cardenden0.71 Km
Bowhill1.00 Km
Auchterderran1.43 Km
Jamphlars1.55 Km
Woodend1.89 Km
Cluny2.55 Km
Lochgelly3.24 Km
Glencraig3.28 Km
Chapel3.48 Km
Newliston3.77 Km
Auchtertool3.92 Km
Newbigging3.99 Km
Kinglassie4.10 Km
Crosshill4.19 Km
Lochore4.40 Km
Templehall4.80 Km
Ballingry5.06 Km
Strathore5.14 Km
Lumphinnans5.22 Km
Dunnikier5.28 Km
Hayfield5.86 Km
Cowdenbeath5.96 Km
Whitehill6.00 Km
Orrock6.18 Km
Smeaton6.31 Km
Auchmuirbridge6.64 Km
East Finglassie6.75 Km
Tanshall6.75 Km
Kirkcaldy6.78 Km
Port Brae6.90 Km
Finglassie6.94 Km
Newcastle6.94 Km
Pathhead7.12 Km
Caskieberran7.15 Km
Stenton7.25 Km
Rimbleton7.29 Km
Macedonia7.30 Km
Linktown7.34 Km
Kelty7.42 Km
Leslie7.63 Km
Scotlandwell7.64 Km
West Gallatown7.66 Km
Sinclairtown7.67 Km
Thornton7.70 Km
Donibristle7.73 Km
South Parks7.74 Km
Pitteuchar7.75 Km
Croft Outerly7.81 Km
Gallatown7.82 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)

List of Historic places near to Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)

NameDistances from Denfield Avenue Bus Stop (adj)
Dogton Stone2.82 Km
Kirkcaldy Museum and Art Gallery6.50 Km
Ravenscraig Castle7.53 Km
Aberdour Castle9.49 Km
Lochleven Castle10.71 Km
Dalgety, St Bridgets Kirk11.80 Km
Kinross House11.92 Km
Inchcolm Abbey12.29 Km
Falkland Palace13.19 Km
Burleigh Castle13.32 Km
Dunfermline Museum14.18 Km
Abbot House Heritage Centre14.63 Km
Dunfermline Abbey and Palace14.70 Km
Andrew Carnegie Birthplace14.71 Km