Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) Location on a map of Slip End

The Crossroads Bus Stop is located on Church Road in Slip End , Central Bedfordshire, South East. Vehicle travel North-East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) by click this link. Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) Map

Location informations for Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)

Name: Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)
Street: Church Road
Locality: Slip End
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Central Bedfordshire
Region: South East
Indicator: NE-bound
Direction of Travel: North-East (NE)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: ahladmaw (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 021013538
Bus Stop Latitude : 51.854941
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.433342
DMS coordinates : 51°51'17.7874074" N 0°26'0.03037704" W
Current time and date at Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) is 16:17:54 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound).

What is the nearest train station to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)?

List of Railway Stations near to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)
The nearest railway stations to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)
Luton Airport Parkway Station3.23 Km
Luton Station3.32 Km
Leagrave Station5.84 Km
Harpenden Station7.19 Km
Harlington Station12.66 Km
Hemel Hempstead Station13.13 Km
Berkhamsted Station13.51 Km
St.Albans City Station13.71 Km
St.Albans Abbey Station13.75 Km
Apsley Station13.76 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)?

List of Stops near to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)
Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)0 m
Crossroads Bus Stop (SW-bound)18 m
Prebendal Drive Bus Stop (adj)49 m
Prebendal Drive Bus Stop (opp)57 m
Claydown Way Bus Stop (Opp)144 m
Old School Walk Bus Stop (adj)280 m
Old School Walk Bus Stop (opp)281 m
Grove Park Road Bus Stop (N-bound)529 m
Grove Park Road Bus Stop (S-bound)541 m
Pepsal End Lane Bus Stop (opp)644 m

Airports Near to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)

London Luton Airport , UK (4.98 Km)

Cities or Towns near Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound) (15 km)

List of places near to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)

Slip End0.04 Km
Woodside0.59 Km
Pepperstock0.70 Km
Aley Green0.91 Km
Farleygreen1.33 Km
Farley Hill1.93 Km
New Town2.05 Km
Caddington2.06 Km
Markyate2.81 Km
Park Town2.82 Km
Luton2.94 Km
Winsdon Hill3.01 Km
Bury Park3.48 Km
West Hyde3.51 Km
Friar's Wash3.51 Km
Kinsbourne Green3.59 Km
High Town3.62 Km
Kensworth Lynch3.67 Km
Chaul End3.92 Km
Cheverell's Green3.92 Km
Flamstead3.94 Km
Hart Hill4.00 Km
New Mill End4.11 Km
Fiddler's Hill4.23 Km
Biscot4.23 Km
Someries4.34 Km
Roe End4.40 Km
Trowley Bottom4.58 Km
Thrales End4.59 Km
Round Green4.71 Km
Churchend4.91 Km
East Hyde4.95 Km
Kensworth4.98 Km
Oldhill Wood5.07 Km
Downside5.20 Km
Stipers Hill5.42 Km
Wigmore5.50 Km
Chiltern Green5.60 Km
Leagrave5.61 Km
Stopsley5.77 Km
Limbury5.97 Km
Ballingdon Bottom6.03 Km
Jockey End6.18 Km
Stopsley Common6.21 Km
Peters Green6.24 Km
Studham6.41 Km
Lewsey Farm6.41 Km
Holywell6.49 Km
Cockernhoe6.52 Km
Redbourn6.64 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)

List of Historic places near to Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)

NameDistances from Crossroads Bus Stop (NE-bound)
Stockwood Discovery Centre1.26 Km
Luton, St Marys Church3.11 Km
Luton Hoo Walled Garden3.38 Km
Someries Castle4.24 Km
Wardown Park Museum4.56 Km
Dunstable Priory6.74 Km
Dunstable Downs and Whipsnade Estate7.41 Km
ZSL Whipsnade Zoo7.43 Km
Wheathampstead, St Helens Church10.64 Km
Ashridge10.65 Km
Eaton Bray, St Mary the Virgin Church10.83 Km
Edlesborough, St Marys Church10.85 Km
Hemel Hempstead Charter Tower10.87 Km
Hemel Hempstead, St Marys Church10.97 Km
Gorhambury House11.18 Km
Old Gorhambury House11.23 Km
Chalgrave Castle11.30 Km
Devils Dyke, Wheathampstead11.47 Km
Shaws Corner11.65 Km
Chalgrave, All Saints Church11.68 Km
St Pauls Walden, All Saints Church11.82 Km
Ashridge Estate12.29 Km
Roman Theatre of Verulamium12.41 Km
Toddington Castle12.43 Km
St Albans, St Michaels Church12.52 Km
Toddington, St Georges Church12.53 Km
Verulamium Museum12.54 Km
Stocks Farm Dovecote12.59 Km
Verulamium Hypocaust and Mosaic12.89 Km
St Albans, St Peters Church12.95 Km
St Albans Roman Wall13.03 Km
St Albans Abbey Gateway13.08 Km
St Albans Clock Tower13.15 Km
Berkhamsted Castle13.37 Km
Ivinghoe, St Marys Church13.60 Km
Pitstone Windmill13.62 Km
St Albans South Signal Box and Railway Museum13.70 Km
Codicote, St Giles Church13.80 Km
St Albans, St Stephens Church13.89 Km
Toddington Manor13.91 Km
Ford End Watermill13.98 Km
Sopwell Nunnery14.04 Km
Pitstone, St Marys Church14.26 Km
British Schools Museum14.86 Km
Hitchin, St Marys Church14.89 Km