Bury Park Map, Satellite view of Bury Park, Bedfordshire, England

Bury Park is located in Bedfordshire County, Luton, Eastern, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Bury Park

Latitude of city of Bury Park is 51.88617 and longitude of city of Bury Park is -0.42979. Bury Park has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Bedfordshire.
The County of Bury Park is Bedfordshire.

Postcode / zip code of Bury Park

LU4 8

Administrative division of Bury Park

County :Bedfordshire

GPS coordinates of Bury Park

Latitude : 51.88617
Longitude : -0.42979

Online Map of Bury Park - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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The weather for Bury Park in the United Kingdom

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Bury Park weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Bury Park?

List of Railway Stations near to Bury Park
The nearest railway stations to Bury Park are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bury Park
Luton Station1.16 Km
Luton Airport Parkway Station2.78 Km
Leagrave Station2.89 Km
Harlington Station9.57 Km
Harpenden Station9.60 Km
Hitchin Station13.63 Km
Flitwick Station13.81 Km
Stevenage Station15.38 Km
Cheddington Station16.26 Km
Tring Station16.29 Km

Airports Near to Bury Park

London Luton Airport , UK (4.41 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bury Park?

List of Stops near to Bury Park
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bury Park are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bury Park
Birch Link Bus Stop (N-Bound)27 m
Birch Link Bus Stop (W-bound)72 m
Kenilworth Road Bus Stop (Opp)106 m
Birch Link Bus Stop (S-bound)165 m
Waldeck Road Bus Stop (N-Bound)261 m
Selbourne Road Bus Stop (Opp)281 m
Kenilworth Road Bus Stop (Nr)291 m
Studley Road Bus Stop (Opp)308 m
Selbourne Road Bus Stop (Adj)321 m
Studley Road Bus Stop (Nr)326 m

Cities or Towns near Bury Park

List of places near to

Biscot0.76 Km
Winsdon Hill0.84 Km
Luton1.12 Km
High Town1.24 Km
Farley Hill1.57 Km
New Town1.91 Km
Park Town1.97 Km
Hart Hill1.98 Km
Round Green2.11 Km
Farleygreen2.15 Km
Limbury2.63 Km
Chaul End2.67 Km
Stopsley Common2.80 Km
Leagrave2.81 Km
Caddington2.92 Km
Stopsley3.10 Km
Woodside3.10 Km
Warden Hill3.33 Km
Slip End3.52 Km
Aley Green3.77 Km
Wigmore3.80 Km
Marsh Farm3.83 Km
Pepperstock3.93 Km
Bramingham Park4.00 Km
Someries4.22 Km
Lewsey Farm4.36 Km
Cockernhoe4.49 Km
Mangrove Green4.56 Km
Sundon Park4.76 Km
Downside4.96 Km
Wandon End5.35 Km
Kensworth Lynch5.46 Km
New Mill End5.53 Km
Tea Green5.53 Km
Stipers Hill5.53 Km
Houghton Park5.54 Km
West Hyde5.81 Km
Churchend5.90 Km
Lilley5.92 Km
Markyate5.96 Km
Darleyhall5.97 Km
Lower Sundon6.00 Km
Chiltern Green6.03 Km
Parkside6.05 Km
Tithe Farm6.34 Km
Dunstable6.41 Km
Kensworth6.44 Km
Houghton Regis6.54 Km
East Hyde6.59 Km
The Heath6.66 Km