Co-Op Bus Stop (at) Location on a map of Castlebay

The Co-Op Bus Stop is located on A888 in Castlebay , Western Isles, Scotland. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Co-Op Bus Stop (at) by click this link. Co-Op Bus Stop (at) Map

Location informations for Co-Op Bus Stop (at)

Name: Co-Op Bus Stop (at)
Street: A888
Near Place: Co-Op
Locality: Castlebay
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Western Isles
Region: Scotland
Indicator: at
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 94724549 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 601035
Bus Stop Latitude : 56.955262
Bus Stop Longitude : -7.487851
DMS coordinates : 56°57'18.94148892" N 7°29'16.26187812" W
Current time and date at Co-Op Bus Stop (at) is 18:24:31 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Co-Op Bus Stop (at)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Co-Op Bus Stop (at).

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Co-Op Bus Stop (at)?

List of Stops near to Co-Op Bus Stop (at)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Co-Op Bus Stop (at) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Co-Op Bus Stop (at)
Co-Op Bus Stop (at)0 m
The Square Bus Stop (at)116 m
Castlebay Barra Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)145 m
Post Office Bus Stop (at)153 m
Castle Slip Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)155 m
Castlebay Barra Ferry Terminal158 m
Castlebay Barra Ferry Terminal (Pier)172 m
Castle Slip Ferry Landing174 m
Castle Slip Ferry Landing (Quay)176 m
Craigard Hotel Bus Stop (opp)191 m

Airports Near to Co-Op Bus Stop (at)

Barra Airport , UK (7.99 Km)

Cities or Towns near Co-Op Bus Stop (at) (15 km)

List of places near to Co-Op Bus Stop (at)

Castlebay / Bàgh a'Chaisteil0.47 Km
Leideag0.80 Km
Geàrraidh Gadhal1.00 Km
Gleann1.00 Km
Kentangaval / Ceann Tangabhal1.11 Km
Nask / Nasg1.14 Km
Ceann Loch1.57 Km
Tangasdal2.00 Km
Uidh2.63 Km
Brevig / Brèibhig2.69 Km
Borve / Borgh3.12 Km
Sgallairidh3.20 Km
Craigston / Baile na Creige3.47 Km
Caolis / Caolas3.61 Km
Earsary / Earsairidh4.42 Km
Allasdale / Allathasdal4.69 Km
Vatersay / Bhatarsaigh5.04 Km
Cuidhir5.08 Km
Grithean5.50 Km
Balnabodach / Buaile nam Bodach5.67 Km
Cliaid6.18 Km
Bogach6.25 Km
Cleat / Cleit6.30 Km
Bayherivagh / Thiarabhagh6.38 Km
Àird Mhithinis6.50 Km
Bruernish / Bruairnis6.72 Km
Àird Mhidhinis7.18 Km
Àird Mhòr7.32 Km
Cialla9.09 Km
Eoligarry / Eòlaigearraidh10.30 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Co-Op Bus Stop (at)

List of Historic places near to Co-Op Bus Stop (at)

NameDistances from Co-Op Bus Stop (at)
Kisimul Castle0.39 Km
Macleods Tower2.13 Km
Allt Chrysal Ancient Settlement2.37 Km
Dun Bharpa Chambered Cairn3.16 Km
Borve Standing Stone3.39 Km
Dun Cuier5.10 Km
Cille Bharra Church10.01 Km