Castle Slip Ferry Landing Location on a map of Castlebay

The Castle Slip Ferry Landing is located in Castlebay. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Castle Slip Ferry Landing by click this link. Castle Slip Ferry Landing Map

Location informations for Castle Slip Ferry Landing

Name: Castle Slip Ferry Landing
Street: -
Locality: Castlebay
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: National - National Ferry
Region: Great Britain
AtcoCode: 9300CSL
Latitude : 56.953954
Longitude : -7.486274
DMS coordinates : 56°57'14.2339266" N 7°29'10.58704116" W
Current time and date at Castle Slip Ferry Landing is 13:17:28 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Dublin)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Castle Slip Ferry Landing

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Castle Slip Ferry Landing.

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Castle Slip Ferry Landing?

List of Stops near to Castle Slip Ferry Landing
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Castle Slip Ferry Landing are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Castle Slip Ferry Landing
Castle Slip Ferry Landing0 m
Castle Slip Ferry Landing (Quay)2 m
Castle Slip Ferry Landing Ferry Terminal (Entrance)19 m
Post Office Bus Stop (at)53 m
Castlebay Barra Ferry Terminal Ferry Terminal (Entrance)84 m
Craigard Hotel Bus Stop (opp)110 m
Castlebay Barra Ferry Terminal (Pier)117 m
The Square Bus Stop (at)117 m
Castlebay Barra Ferry Terminal120 m
Craigard Hotel Bus Stop (at)125 m

Airports Near to Castle Slip Ferry Landing

Barra Airport , UK (8.09 Km)

Cities or Towns near Castle Slip Ferry Landing (15 km)

List of places near to Castle Slip Ferry Landing

Castlebay / Bàgh a'Chaisteil0.34 Km
Leideag0.65 Km
Geàrraidh Gadhal0.96 Km
Gleann0.96 Km
Nask / Nasg1.25 Km
Kentangaval / Ceann Tangabhal1.26 Km
Ceann Loch1.74 Km
Tangasdal2.16 Km
Uidh2.57 Km
Brevig / Brèibhig2.62 Km
Sgallairidh3.18 Km
Borve / Borgh3.29 Km
Craigston / Baile na Creige3.63 Km
Caolis / Caolas3.65 Km
Earsary / Earsairidh4.41 Km
Allasdale / Allathasdal4.85 Km
Vatersay / Bhatarsaigh4.98 Km
Cuidhir5.22 Km
Grithean5.65 Km
Balnabodach / Buaile nam Bodach5.70 Km
Bogach6.29 Km
Cliaid6.34 Km
Bayherivagh / Thiarabhagh6.44 Km
Cleat / Cleit6.45 Km
Àird Mhithinis6.57 Km
Bruernish / Bruairnis6.74 Km
Àird Mhidhinis7.23 Km
Àird Mhòr7.41 Km
Cialla9.19 Km
Eoligarry / Eòlaigearraidh10.41 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Castle Slip Ferry Landing

List of Historic places near to Castle Slip Ferry Landing

NameDistances from Castle Slip Ferry Landing
Kisimul Castle0.25 Km
Macleods Tower2.30 Km
Allt Chrysal Ancient Settlement2.42 Km
Dun Bharpa Chambered Cairn3.30 Km
Borve Standing Stone3.56 Km
Dun Cuier5.25 Km
Cille Bharra Church10.12 Km