Bus Station (Stop A) Location on a map of Sevenoaks

The Bus Station is located on Buckhurst Lane in Sevenoaks Sevenoaks, Kent, South East.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bus Station (Stop A) by click this link. Bus Station (Stop A) Map

Location informations for Bus Station (Stop A)

Name: Bus Station (Stop A)
Street: Buckhurst Lane
Near Place: Bus Station
Locality: Sevenoaks
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Kent
Region: South East
Indicator: Stop A
NaptanCode: kntadada (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 2400A006160A
Latitude : 51.271313
Longitude : 0.193392
DMS coordinates : 51°16'16.72804956" N 0°11'36.209591124" E
Current time and date at Bus Station (Stop A) is 11:33:25 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Bus Station (Stop A)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Bus Station (Stop A).

What is the nearest train station to Bus Station (Stop A)?

List of Railway Stations near to Bus Station (Stop A)
The nearest railway stations to Bus Station (Stop A) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bus Station (Stop A)
Sevenoaks Station1.02 Km
Bat and Ball Station2.05 Km
Dunton Green Station3.21 Km
Otford Station4.66 Km
Kemsing Station4.73 Km
Hildenborough Station6.75 Km
Shoreham (Kent) Station6.78 Km
Borough Green and Wrotham Station8.22 Km
Penshurst Station8.34 Km
Leigh (Kent) Station8.69 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bus Station (Stop A)?

List of Stops near to Bus Station (Stop A)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bus Station (Stop A) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bus Station (Stop A)
Bus Station (Stop A)0 m
Bus Station (Stop D)10 m
Bus Station (Stop C)12 m
Bus Station (Stop B)15 m
Bus Station Bus Stop (Stop D)16 m
Buckhurst Lane Taxi Rank (taxi rank)41 m
High Street Taxi Rank (taxi rank)101 m
Stag Theatre Bus Stop (adj)147 m
South Park Taxi Rank (taxi rank)152 m
The Chequers Bus Stop (adj)152 m

Airports Near to Bus Station (Stop A)

London Biggin Hill Airport , UK (12.99 Km)

Cities or Towns near Bus Station (Stop A) (15 km)

List of places near to Bus Station (Stop A)

Sevenoaks0.13 Km
Kippington1.32 Km
St John's1.60 Km
Sevenoaks Common1.81 Km
Fig Street1.97 Km
Godden Green2.25 Km
Hubbard's Hill2.28 Km
Wildernesse2.33 Km
Riverhead2.51 Km
Greatness2.57 Km
Bessels Green2.60 Km
Seal2.66 Km
Carter's Hill2.83 Km
Longford2.97 Km
Chipstead3.05 Km
Bayley's Hill3.10 Km
Lower Bitchet3.40 Km
Underriver3.51 Km
Dryhill3.55 Km
Rooks Hill3.61 Km
Childsbridge3.64 Km
Sevenoaks Weald3.83 Km
Whitley Row3.88 Km
Dunton Green3.90 Km
Underriver Ho4.06 Km
Noah's Ark4.11 Km
Stone Street4.24 Km
Fletcher's Green4.26 Km
Goathurst Common4.36 Km
Bitchet Green4.39 Km
Oakhurst4.47 Km
Styants Bottom4.47 Km
Kemsing4.61 Km
Otford4.63 Km
Sundridge4.65 Km
Crowdleham5.05 Km
Chevening5.14 Km
Twitton5.16 Km
Ide Hill5.25 Km
Hall's Green5.42 Km
Ivy Hatch5.60 Km
Hanging Bank5.62 Km
Heaverham5.67 Km
Ightham Common5.72 Km
Brasted5.78 Km
Oldbury5.84 Km
Watt's Cross5.98 Km
Winkhurst Green6.39 Km
Sepham Heath6.52 Km
Brasted Chart6.54 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Bus Station (Stop A)