Bus Station (Stand 3) Location on a map of Wakefield City Centre Wakefield

The Bus Station is located on Wakefield Bus Station in Wakefield City Centre Wakefield, West Yorkshire, Yorkshire.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bus Station (Stand 3) by click this link. Bus Station (Stand 3) Map

Location informations for Bus Station (Stand 3)

Name: Bus Station (Stand 3)
Street: Wakefield Bus Station
Near Place: Wakefield Bus Station
Town: Wakefield
Locality: Wakefield City Centre
Parent Locality: Wakefield
Unitary Authority Area: West Yorkshire
Region: Yorkshire
Indicator: Stand 3
NaptanCode: 45030183 (SMS Code)
AtcoCode: 450030183
Latitude : 53.685322
Longitude : -1.497756
DMS coordinates : 53°41'7.15890012" N 1°29'51.9230022" W
Current time and date at Bus Station (Stand 3) is 13:07:41 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Bus Station (Stand 3)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Bus Station (Stand 3).

What is the nearest train station to Bus Station (Stand 3)?

List of Railway Stations near to Bus Station (Stand 3)
The nearest railway stations to Bus Station (Stand 3) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bus Station (Stand 3)
Wakefield Westgate Station604 m
Wakefield Kirkgate Station956 m
Sandal And Agbrigg Station2.70 Km
Outwood Station3.43 Km
Normanton Station5.18 Km
Streethouse Station6.51 Km
Batley Station8.68 Km
Woodlesford Station8.73 Km
Dewsbury Station8.94 Km
Featherstone Station9.20 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bus Station (Stand 3)?

List of Stops near to Bus Station (Stand 3)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bus Station (Stand 3) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bus Station (Stand 3)
Bus Station (Stand 3)0 m
Bus Station (Stand 4)4 m
Bus Station (Stand 2)4 m
Bus Station (Stand 1)8 m
Bus Station (Stand 5)8 m
Bus Station (Stand 6)12 m
Bus Station (Stand 7)16 m
Bus Station (Stand 8)21 m
Bus Station (Stand 9)24 m
Bus Station (Stand 10)28 m

Cities or Towns near Bus Station (Stand 3) (15 km)

List of places near to Bus Station (Stand 3)

Wakefield0.18 Km
St Johns0.64 Km
Primrose Hill0.66 Km
Brooks Bank1.04 Km
New Brighton1.08 Km
East Moor1.10 Km
Clayton Hill1.21 Km
Pinders Fields1.32 Km
Westgate Common1.33 Km
Park Hill1.35 Km
New Scarborough1.37 Km
Fall Ings1.45 Km
Calder Vale1.59 Km
Newton Hill1.76 Km
Borough Corner1.82 Km
Belle Isle1.84 Km
Thornes1.87 Km
Flanshaw1.91 Km
Snow Hill1.93 Km
Belle Vue1.96 Km
Portobello2.39 Km
Agbrigg2.41 Km
Heath2.51 Km
Alverthorpe2.56 Km
Wrenthorpe2.66 Km
Heath Common2.74 Km
Sandal2.88 Km
Outwood2.89 Km
Lupset2.98 Km
Stanley3.09 Km
Kirkthorpe3.16 Km
Sandal Magna3.24 Km
Stanley Ferry3.27 Km
Horse Race End3.29 Km
Brandy Carr3.48 Km
Lofthouse Gate3.55 Km
Milnthorpe3.57 Km
Carr Gate3.83 Km
Lawns3.83 Km
Ossett Spa3.97 Km
Spring End3.97 Km
Goosehill4.05 Km
Kirkhamgate4.05 Km
Durkar4.08 Km
Low Common4.09 Km
Stand Bridge4.14 Km
Warmfield4.15 Km
Haggs Hill4.19 Km
Shepherd Hill4.20 Km
Woodthorpe4.22 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Bus Station (Stand 3)

List of Historic places near to Bus Station (Stand 3)

NameDistances from Bus Station (Stand 3)
Sandal Castle2.92 Km
Nostell Priory8.08 Km
National Coal Mining Museum for England9.23 Km
Bagshaw Museum10.78 Km
Temple Newsam House11.30 Km
Pontefract Castle12.88 Km
Leeds, St John the Evangelist13.10 Km