Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) Location on a map of Bourne End

The Bourne End Rail Station is located on Station Road in Bourne End Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, South East.. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) by click this link. Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) Map

Location informations for Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)

Name: Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)
Street: Station Road
Near Place: Station
Locality: Bourne End
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Buckinghamshire
Region: South East
Indicator: entrance
AtcoCode: 0400BORNEND0
Latitude : 51.577154
Longitude : -0.710487
DMS coordinates : 51°34'37.75445832" N 0°42'37.7527302" W
Current time and date at Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) is 16:42:45 (02/16/2025) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Bourne End Rail Station (entrance).

What is the nearest train station to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)?

List of Railway Stations near to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)
The nearest railway stations to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)
Bourne End Station4 m
Cookham Station2.33 Km
Marlow Station3.93 Km
Furze Platt Station5.06 Km
Beaconsfield Station5.97 Km
Taplow Station6.29 Km
High Wycombe Station6.31 Km
Maidenhead Station6.56 Km
Burnham Station7.43 Km
Seer Green Station7.97 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)?

List of Stops near to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)
Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)0 m
Bourne End Rail Station4 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (o/s)10 m
Railway Station Bus Stop (Opp)51 m
St Mark's Church Bus Stop (Opp)177 m
St Mark's Church Bus Stop (adj)184 m
New Road Bus Stop (adj)197 m
New Road Bus Stop (Opp)202 m
Post Office Bus Stop (Opp)218 m
Post Office Bus Stop (o/s)231 m

Airports Near to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)

Wycombe Air Park , UK (7.77 Km)

White Waltham Airfield , UK (9.57 Km)

Cities or Towns near Bourne End Rail Station (entrance) (15 km)

List of places near to Bourne End Rail Station (entrance)

Bourne End0.16 Km
Cores End0.92 Km
Well End1.04 Km
Wooburn1.49 Km
Hedsor1.61 Km
Fern1.80 Km
Little Marlow2.11 Km
Widmoor2.18 Km
Cookham2.35 Km
Cookham Rise2.42 Km
Sheepridge2.46 Km
Berghers Hill2.62 Km
Wooburn Green2.64 Km
Flackwell Heath2.73 Km
Winter Hill2.80 Km
Wooburn Common2.98 Km
Cookham Dean3.09 Km
Wooburn Moor3.36 Km
Loudwater3.48 Km
Bigfrith3.84 Km
Maidenhead Court3.90 Km
Littleworth Common4.11 Km
Holtspur4.20 Km
Rose Hill4.28 Km
Burroughs Grove4.30 Km
Wycombe Marsh4.56 Km
Marlow Bottom4.60 Km
Marlow4.63 Km
Furze Platt4.67 Km
North Town4.90 Km
Bisham4.99 Km
Taplow5.26 Km
Hitchambury5.34 Km
Forty Green5.39 Km
Micklefield5.53 Km
Lent5.65 Km
Burnham5.71 Km
Beaconsfield5.81 Km
Temple6.00 Km
Bovingdon Green6.02 Km
Maidenhead6.09 Km
Lent Rise6.11 Km
Pinkneys Green6.23 Km
High Wycombe6.34 Km
Knotty Green6.39 Km
Highway6.49 Km
Cressex6.53 Km
Penn6.57 Km
Mundaydean Bottom6.77 Km
Boyn Hill6.79 Km