Wycombe Marsh Map, Satellite view of Wycombe Marsh, Buckinghamshire, England

Wycombe Marsh is located in Buckinghamshire County, Wycombe District, South East, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Wycombe Marsh

Latitude of city of Wycombe Marsh is 51.61769 and longitude of city of Wycombe Marsh is -0.72052. Wycombe Marsh has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of Buckinghamshire.
The County of Wycombe Marsh is Buckinghamshire.

Postcode / zip code of Wycombe Marsh

HP11 1

Administrative division of Wycombe Marsh

County :Buckinghamshire

GPS coordinates of Wycombe Marsh

Latitude : 51.61769
Longitude : -0.72052

Online Map of Wycombe Marsh - road map, satellite view and street view

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The weather for Wycombe Marsh in the United Kingdom

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Wycombe Marsh weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Wycombe Marsh?

List of Railway Stations near to Wycombe Marsh
The nearest railway stations to Wycombe Marsh are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Wycombe Marsh
High Wycombe Station2.17 Km
Bourne End Station4.56 Km
Beaconsfield Station5.34 Km
Marlow Station6.08 Km
Cookham Station6.70 Km
Seer Green Station7.83 Km
Furze Platt Station9.43 Km
Great Missenden Station9.58 Km
Saunderton Station9.71 Km
Amersham Station10.01 Km

Airports Near to Wycombe Marsh

Wycombe Air Park , UK (6.10 Km)

White Waltham Airfield , UK (13.52 Km)

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Wycombe Marsh?

List of Stops near to Wycombe Marsh
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Wycombe Marsh are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Wycombe Marsh
Marsh School Bus Stop (adj)27 m
Marsh School Bus Stop (Opp)29 m
Abbey Barn Road Bus Stop (opp 43)85 m
Abbey Barn Road Bus Stop (o/s 35)122 m
Beech Road Bus Stop (Opp)208 m
Beech Road Bus Stop (adj)228 m
Chequers Avenue Bus Stop229 m
Chequers Avenue Bus Stop233 m
Wycombe Retail Park Bus Stop (adj)243 m
Ford Street Bus Stop (adj)281 m

Cities or Towns near Wycombe Marsh

List of places near to

Micklefield1.06 Km
Loudwater1.80 Km
Flackwell Heath1.91 Km
Sheepridge2.30 Km
High Wycombe2.35 Km
Penn2.63 Km
Tylers Green2.95 Km
Wooburn Moor3.00 Km
Terriers3.21 Km
Fern3.23 Km
Wooburn Green3.52 Km
Well End3.55 Km
Cressex3.66 Km
Forty Green3.75 Km
Holtspur3.77 Km
Hazlemere3.78 Km
Little Marlow4.07 Km
Burroughs Grove4.12 Km
Bourne End4.42 Km
Knotty Green4.55 Km
Wooburn4.59 Km
Penn Bottom4.69 Km
Booker4.70 Km
Cores End4.73 Km
Sands4.84 Km
Berghers Hill4.93 Km
Widmer End5.08 Km
Marlow Bottom5.11 Km
Downley5.16 Km
Cryers Hill5.23 Km
Beaconsfield5.24 Km
Hedsor5.40 Km
Wooburn Common5.48 Km
Clayhill5.51 Km
Holmer Green5.58 Km
Winchmore Hill5.68 Km
Beamond End5.77 Km
Spurlands End5.80 Km
Penn Street5.91 Km
Winter Hill5.92 Km
Hughenden Valley5.94 Km
Widmoor5.96 Km
Hunt's Hill6.31 Km
Towerage6.40 Km
Marlow6.41 Km
Great Kingshill6.42 Km
Cookham Dean6.48 Km
Mop End6.53 Km
Heath End6.55 Km
West Wincomb6.56 Km