Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) Location on a map of Kilsyth

The Arden Grove Bus Stop is located on Arden Grove in Kilsyth , North Lanarkshire, Scotland. Vehicle travel West from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) by click this link. Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) Map

Location informations for Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)

Name: Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)
Street: Arden Grove
Near Place: no 15
Town: Kilsyth
Locality: Kilsyth
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: North Lanarkshire
Region: Scotland
Indicator: opp 15
Direction of Travel: West (W)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 65238545 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 61601778
Bus Stop Latitude : 55.983069
Bus Stop Longitude : -4.064635
DMS coordinates : 55°58'59.04734268" N 4°3'52.6859586" W
Current time and date at Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) is 12:03:59 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/Isle_of_Man)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15).

What is the nearest train station to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)?

List of Railway Stations near to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)
The nearest railway stations to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)
Croy Station3.53 Km
Greenfaulds Station6.94 Km
Cumbernauld Station6.95 Km
Lenzie Station8.83 Km
Gartcosh Station10.87 Km
Stepps Station11.37 Km
Blairhill Station13.03 Km
Coatbridge Sunnyside Station13.12 Km
Bishopbriggs Station13.31 Km
Coatbridge Central Station13.56 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)?

List of Stops near to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)
Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)0 m
Arden Grove Bus Stop (at 15)7 m
Balmalloch Road Bus Stop (before)93 m
Livingstone Park Bus Stop (after)162 m
Arden Grove Bus Stop (at 48)202 m
Arden Grove Bus Stop (at 57)226 m
Balcastle Gardens Bus Stop (Opp)263 m
St Andrew's Place Bus Stop (After)338 m
St Andrews Place Bus Stop (opp)342 m
Livingstone Park Bus Stop (before)352 m

Cities or Towns near Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15) (15 km)

List of places near to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)

High Balmalloch0.11 Km
Highland Park0.40 Km
Balmalloch0.50 Km
Northfield0.61 Km
Kilsyth0.67 Km
Westfield0.69 Km
North Barrwood1.28 Km
Barrwood1.46 Km
South Barrwood1.81 Km
Auchinstarry1.98 Km
Queenzieburn2.22 Km
Twechar3.18 Km
Croy3.25 Km
Dullatur3.61 Km
Banton3.74 Km
Craigmarloch3.81 Km
High Banton3.89 Km
Blackwood4.27 Km
Smithstone4.27 Km
Auchenreoch4.31 Km
Kelvinhead4.36 Km
Balloch4.97 Km
Westerwood4.97 Km
Carrickstone5.04 Km
Westfield5.07 Km
Auchincloch5.13 Km
Langmuir5.57 Km
Condorrat5.64 Km
Seafar5.72 Km
Cumbernauld Village5.75 Km
Harestanes5.83 Km
Coneypark6.06 Km
Cumbernauld6.10 Km
Wardpark6.21 Km
Dalshannon6.25 Km
Merkland6.25 Km
Cleddans6.30 Km
Milton of Campsie6.34 Km
Rosebank6.35 Km
Carbrain6.44 Km
Greenfaulds6.46 Km
Waterside6.49 Km
Broomhill6.60 Km
Banknock6.68 Km
Birdston6.69 Km
Duntiblae6.78 Km
Mollinsburn6.92 Km
Hillhead6.95 Km
Kildrum6.96 Km
Oxgang6.96 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)

List of Historic places near to Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)

NameDistances from Arden Grove Bus Stop (opp 15)
Colzium Estate and Garden 1.56 Km
Croy Hill Roman Fortlet2.68 Km
Bar Hill Fort2.77 Km
Dullatur4.91 Km
Antonine Wall, Castlecary Roman Fort7.75 Km
Antonine Wall, Seabegs Wood9.86 Km
Antonine Wall, Rough Castle12.30 Km
Battle of Bannockburn Heritage Centre14.67 Km