Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop Location on a map of Hull

The Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop is located on Alfred Gelder Street in Hull , Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire. Vehicle travel East from here. In addition to this informations you can see location map of Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop by click this link. Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop Map

Location informations for Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop

Name: Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop
Street: Alfred Gelder Street
Locality: Hull
Parent Locality:
Unitary Authority Area: Kingston upon Hull
Region: Yorkshire
Direction of Travel: East (E)
Bus Stop NaptanCode: 22900008 (SMS Code)
Bus Stop AtcoCode: 2290YHA00008
Bus Stop Latitude : 53.744089
Bus Stop Longitude : -0.336023
DMS coordinates : 53°44'38.71901652" N 0°20'9.68191332" W
Current time and date at Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop is 18:54:20 (12/22/2024) : (Europe/London)
Uses data from the Traveline National Dataset - licensed under the Open Government License.

Location Map of Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop

In the following map you can see road map, satellite view and street view near of Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop.

What is the nearest train station to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop?

List of Railway Stations near to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop
The nearest railway stations to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop
Hull Station635 m
New Holland Station4.95 Km
Cottingham Station6.23 Km
Barrow Haven Station6.40 Km
Goxhill Station7.49 Km
Hessle Station7.56 Km
Barton-On-Humber Station9.36 Km
Thornton Abbey Station10.02 Km
Ferriby Station11.69 Km
Beverley Station12.32 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop?

List of Stops near to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop
Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop0 m
Alfred Gelder Street C Bus Stop25 m
Alfred Gelder Street A Bus Stop27 m
Alfred Gelder Street G Bus Stop94 m
Alfred Gelder Street F Bus Stop110 m
Obsolete Bus Stop135 m
Alfred Gelder Street D Bus Stop145 m
Monument Bridge Bus Stop155 m
Queens Gardens Bus Stop160 m
Alfred Gelder Street E Bus Stop186 m

Cities or Towns near Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop (15 km)

List of places near to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop

Kingston upon Hull0.23 Km
Lisle Court0.31 Km
Trinity Court0.32 Km
Victoria Dock Village0.73 Km
Garrison Side0.95 Km
Drypool1.21 Km
Wilmington1.69 Km
Sculcoates2.02 Km
Stepney2.04 Km
Summergangs2.08 Km
Stoneferry2.47 Km
Dairycoates2.74 Km
Mile House2.75 Km
Newland2.97 Km
Newland Park3.67 Km
Sutton Ings3.95 Km
Inglemire3.96 Km
West Carr4.06 Km
Marfleet4.12 Km
East Ella4.20 Km
Gipsyville4.48 Km
Sutton on Hull4.51 Km
Bransholme4.78 Km
Anlaby Common4.88 Km
Anlaby Park4.90 Km
New Holland5.20 Km
Great Field5.59 Km
Kingswood5.66 Km
Low Field5.69 Km
Grey Legs5.93 Km
New Village5.98 Km
Wolfreton6.23 Km
Hay Marsh6.31 Km
Anlaby6.33 Km
Midmeredales6.36 Km
North End6.44 Km
Barrow Hann6.44 Km
Cottingham6.55 Km
Northfield6.57 Km
Neat Marsh6.62 Km
Barrow Haven6.75 Km
Dunswell6.79 Km
Salt End6.81 Km
Hessle6.94 Km
North Ella6.97 Km
The Castles7.00 Km
Ganstead7.26 Km
Bilton7.36 Km
Goxhill7.40 Km
Willerby7.43 Km
Historic Places to Visit near Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop

List of Historic places near to Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop

NameDistances from Alfred Gelder Street B Bus Stop
Maister House0.34 Km
Fort Paull7.80 Km
Skidby Windmill8.91 Km
Barton upon Humber, St Peters Church9.34 Km
Thornton Abbey and Gatehouse9.73 Km
Skirlaugh, St Augustines Church11.67 Km
Beverley Friary12.07 Km
Beverley Minster12.12 Km
Burton Constable Hall12.44 Km
Rowley, St Peters Church12.63 Km
Beverley, St Marys Church13.22 Km