Sculcoates Map, Satellite view of Sculcoates, East Riding of Yorkshire, England

Sculcoates is located in East Riding of Yorkshire County, City of Kingston upon Hull, Yorkshire and the Humber, England, United Kingdom.

Location informations of Sculcoates

Latitude of city of Sculcoates is 53.76189 and longitude of city of Sculcoates is -0.34233. Sculcoates has 1 postcode / zip code, in county of East Riding of Yorkshire.
The County of Sculcoates is East Riding of Yorkshire.

Postcode / zip code of Sculcoates

HU5 1

Administrative division of Sculcoates

County :East Riding of Yorkshire

GPS coordinates of Sculcoates

Latitude : 53.76189
Longitude : -0.34233

Online Map of Sculcoates - road map, satellite view and street view

Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

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Sculcoates weather forecast 15 days

What is the nearest train station to Sculcoates?

List of Railway Stations near to Sculcoates
The nearest railway stations to Sculcoates are listed below. Tickets are available at the train station ticket office or ticket machines.
NameDistances from Sculcoates
Hull Station1.98 Km
Cottingham Station4.75 Km
New Holland Station6.77 Km
Barrow Haven Station7.90 Km
Hessle Station8.20 Km
Goxhill Station9.48 Km
Beverley Station10.39 Km
Barton-On-Humber Station10.49 Km
Ferriby Station11.97 Km
Thornton Abbey Station12.03 Km

What is the nearest Public Transport Stops to Sculcoates?

List of Stops near to Sculcoates
Getting there by public transport (nearest train, tube, overground line station and bus stops). The nearest stops to Sculcoates are listed below.
Stop NameDistances from Sculcoates
Tattershall Close Bus Stop459 m
Goodrich Close Bus Stop486 m
Melwood Grove Bus Stop496 m
Pearson Avenue Bus Stop512 m
Epworth Street Bus Stop514 m
Grove Street Bus Stop540 m
Cave Street Bus Stop620 m
Scotney Close Bus Stop627 m
Obsolete Bus Stop630 m
Ryde Street Bus Stop632 m

Historic Places to Visit near Sculcoates
Cities or Towns near Sculcoates

List of places near to

Newland1.08 Km
Stepney1.18 Km
Stoneferry1.35 Km
Wilmington1.37 Km
Summergangs1.51 Km
Kingston upon Hull2.03 Km
West Carr2.04 Km
Newland Park2.12 Km
Lisle Court2.30 Km
Trinity Court2.32 Km
Drypool2.41 Km
Inglemire2.50 Km
Victoria Dock Village2.54 Km
Garrison Side2.58 Km
Mile House2.78 Km
Bransholme2.99 Km
Sutton on Hull3.20 Km
Sutton Ings3.26 Km
Kingswood3.64 Km
Dairycoates3.85 Km
Grey Legs3.91 Km
East Ella4.24 Km
Midmeredales4.37 Km
New Village4.40 Km
Marfleet4.61 Km
Dunswell4.80 Km
Anlaby Common4.88 Km
Anlaby Park5.08 Km
Cottingham5.16 Km
Gipsyville5.24 Km
Low Field5.85 Km
Wolfreton5.89 Km
Wawne6.03 Km
Anlaby6.20 Km
Great Field6.26 Km
Thearne6.32 Km
Ganstead6.36 Km
North Ella6.38 Km
Swine6.61 Km
Neat Marsh6.83 Km
Willerby6.89 Km
Northfield6.93 Km
Bilton6.95 Km
Woodmansey7.02 Km
New Holland7.02 Km
Hay Marsh7.18 Km
Kirk Ella7.46 Km
Hessle7.49 Km
Salt End7.55 Km
Coniston7.63 Km